
L’Université de Manchester offre 30 bourses d’équité et de mérite aux étudiants d’Afrique subsaharienne

Les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies tracent la voie vers un avenir meilleur et plus durable pour tous. Nos bourses d’équité et de mérite visent à permettre aux jeunes professionnels des pays du Sud de proposer des solutions pour atteindre ces objectifs interdépendants. Les bourses d’équité et de mérite …

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Current University of Nottingham scholarships

Studentships Chemical & Environmental Engineering PhD Studentship: Enzymatic degradation of rubber to functional materials Closing Date Wednesday, 1st September 2021 Computer Science PhD Studentship School of Computer Sciences Closing Date Saturday, 2nd October 2021 Engineering Rolls-Royce sponsored PhD scholarship – Mechatronics system for smart supervision and control for aeroengine related …

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ZU Scholarship – Bachelor and Master

With the ZU scholarship, Zeppelin University not only awards scholarships for gifted people or for young people with outstanding achievements. ZU also awards grants for outstanding commitment in the cultural, musical or artistic fields. Social and political commitment and voluntary work are also promoted, as well as outstanding sporting achievements. Type of …

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The MBA Program at Modul University

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a program taught fully in English designed especially for industry professionals wanting to advance their careers. The program is taught in blocked seminars, two to four days on campus or online once a month. The program concentrates on strategic analysis and planning, interdisciplinary …

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KAIST International Student Scholarship

Eligibility Applicants of International Student Admission Subsidies Full tuition fee: tuition exemption for 4 semesters (MS) / 8 semesters (PhD) Living expenses: 350,000 KRW per month (for MS) or 400,000 KRW per month (for PhD) Medical Insurance Additional Stipend can be available for research assistants. Requirement Students must maintain GPA …

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SBW Berlin Scholarship

With our scholarship, we support talented young people from abroad who are socially committed and have volunteer work experience. We believe that education is key to improve the living conditions in the poorer countries of the world. Therefore, as part of our cooperation with other non-profit organisations, we award scholarships …

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AAUW fellowship program for women in the United States

Funding: $6,000–$30,000 Opens: August 1 Deadline: November 1 The American Fellowship program began in 1888, a time when women were discouraged from pursuing an education. It is AAUW’s largest fellowship program and the oldest non-institutional source of graduate funding for women in the United States. AAUW American Fellowships support women scholars who are …

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Master’s Scholarships of Excellence for Students in Computer Science Together with Graz University of Technology, Siemens T UR

Together with Graz University of Technology, Siemens T UR (Technology University Relations) awards two scholarships for talented and capable students in the Master’s programme for computer scientists for a maximum period of two years. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Österreich Siemens is one of the country’s leading technology companies and makes a significant …

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Candidates from any country can apply for CEU financial aid

Are you a master’s candidate? Granted on the basis of both academic merit and financial need, CEU scholarships and tuition awards are available for most of our programs. Please make sure to check your future program‘s website before you start your application. Remember to apply by the financial aid application deadline and fill out the Funding section …

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The Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (CMA/FCT/UNL) opens an international call to award 2 (two) doctoral research scholarships

The Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (CMA/FCT/UNL) opens an international call to award 2 (two) doctoral research scholarships, in the area of Mathematics, under the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (EBI). The scholarships will be financed by the “Fundação para a …

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