Created by the Center for International Studies and Research of the University of Montreal (CÉRIUM) and the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH), the Chair on Global Governance aims to develop an international program of research, training and outreach on global governance issues.

The Chair will be entrusted to a pair of teacher-researchers, one based at the University of Montreal and the other member of a French university or research establishment. Co-holders will develop a research program and train doctoral students in human and social sciences on one or more aspects of global governance. The mandate of co-holders is three years from January 1 of the year following this call.

Priority theme 2022/2024

The priority theme chosen for the period 2022-2024 is called Democracies in danger . As democracy recedes globally, it is being called into question even within consolidated democracies. As an indication, the theme can include the study of authoritarianism, surveillance, mistrust and attacks on public freedoms but also fundamental rights, electoral participation or alternative democracy projects. All the disciplines of the human and social sciences are likely to contribute to the elucidation of this theme, which is intended to be broad.


Subject to budgetary availability, the University of Montreal and the FMSH will provide joint holders with a budget of $ 50,000 (CDN) , per year for three years. This budget will be devoted to the mobility and hosting of co-holders, students, associate researchers, as well as the organization of events relating to the production and dissemination of scientific results in connection with the chosen theme. Representation costs may not exceed 10% of the allocated budget. ( see the budget sheet )

Application file

Applicants must submit a joint project of 4 pages maximum on one or more aspects of the priority theme. The project will detail the research issue, partnerships and planned structuring activities.

Particular attention will be paid to projects that promote or bring together teacher-researchers, institutions or issues involving cultural or geographic areas other than European and North American.

Focused on the mobility of researchers and students, these activities may include study days, working meetings and the drafting of joint publications. They must include one summer school per year at Maison Suger (Paris) or at the Station de biologie des Laurentides (Quebec).

Eligibility criteria

The call is open to all professors at the University of Montreal affiliated with CÉRIUM and to teachers and / or researchers who are members of a French university or research establishment.

Criteria and selection committee

The selection will be made according to the importance of the scientific challenge, the feasibility and the structuring nature of the project, as well as the quality of the scientific dossier of the promoters.

The jury will be made up of two members of the CÉRIUM bodies, a representative of the vice-rectorate for community and international partnerships; On the FMSH side, it will consist of a member of the Management Board, a member of the scientific council and / or of the research and international pole, as well as a representative of a French partner institution.

Submission of applications

The application file, including the 4-page project, the budget sheet and the CV of the two main candidates, must be submitted electronically before November 1, 2021 6 p.m. Paris time to the following two addresses: cerium@umontreal.ca and aap -Chaire @ msh-paris.fr .

Any incomplete file, not meeting the selection criteria or submitted after the call deadline, cannot be taken into account.

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