Blog Archives

Postdoract fellowship in molecular simulations, machine learning, and statistical mechanics

We are looking for a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral candidate with interests in molecular simulations, machine learning, and statistical mechanics for research opportunities in: Development of data-driven schemes for the discovery of slow degrees of freedom Molecular simulations of complex mechanisms in large biological objects Computational modeling of transition …

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Post-Doctoral fellowship in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism

One postdoctoral fellow position is available at UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium. We are looking for a highly motivated researcher to join the lab of Dr. Patrick Gilon. Fellowship: A 3-year position (2 years with possibility of 1-year extension) is available for a postdoctoral scientist to conduct a research project in the laboratory …

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Postdoctoral fellowship in Innovation and Sustainability Transitions

TIK Centre fror Technology, Innovation and Culture offer a 3 year fulltime postdoctoral position in the field of energy transitions. Ambitious policy goals of reaching net-zero Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by mid-century requires that transition processes increase in scope, depth, and speed. The postdoc will analyze how such goals can be achieved …

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INTERPOL offers a range of internships across both policing and support services

Finishing your studies and want some international experience? INTERPOL offers a range of internships across both policing and support services. This is a great opportunity to get work experience in an international organization and understand how international police cooperation works. Internships can be in our policing services for those of …

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Avis aux étudiants L3 : Planning Des examens De Dette Du Semestre 2 et Semestre 4

Semestre 2 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”] Semestre 4 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]  

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Effectif et répartition des étudiants en L3, ayant des dettes en L2 – S3 Session Dettes [18 mars – 23 mars 2023]

Effectif et répartition des étudiants en L3, ayant des dettes en L2 – S3 Session Dettes [18 mars – 23 mars 2023] [embeddoc url=”” download=”all”] PV Dette SB [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] PV Dette Biotech [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] PV Dette SA [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] PV Dette Hydro [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”]

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Lancement du Programme Young Leaders 2023 de la French-African Foundation

Lancement du Programme Young Leaders 2023 Chers amis, Chers partenaires, Chers Alumni, Chers candidats, Bonjour à tous, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer l’ouverture de l’appel à candidatures de l’édition du programme Young Leaders 2023. Du 16 février au 17 mars 2023, la French-African Foundation recherche les 30 jeunes …

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Applications for a scholarship at the European Forum Alpbach 2023

Every year hundreds of young talents from all around the world join the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) and come to our event. Students, young professionals and changemakers attend a variety of scientific, competence based and artistic seminars, enjoy a high-level conference programme as well as social and cultural activities in …

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African Union (AU) Internship Program

The AU internship program is a full-time engagement through which qualified individuals from diverse academic backgrounds are given the opportunity to gain professional exposure within the AU. As an organization which promotes respect for diversity and team work, we encourage all qualified individuals to apply. Applicants should have a keen …

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Rappel : Affichage des Moy L1 S1

Affichage des Moy L1 S1. Rq : Les examens de rattrapage auront lieu du 19 – 23 mars 2023 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”]

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Postdoctoral fellowship: The land-sea continuum; burial of terrestrial carbon in marine sediments

The Department of Ecology and Environmental Science at Umeå University, Sweden, invites applicants for a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship on carbon burial in marine sediments. Application deadline is Friday, 31st March 2023, at 23:59. Project description Nature-based solutions to climate change are recognised as a mechanism for drawing down carbon from the atmosphere. …

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Rappel pour les étudiants M1 : Affichage des MOY S1

M1 Biochimie [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] M1 Microbiologie [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] M1 Immuno et santé [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] M1 Biologie de la reproduction [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] M1 Parasitologie [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”] M1 Nutrition et pathologie [embeddoc …

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M1 : PLANNING DES EXAMENS DE RATTRAPAGE DU SEMESTRE IMPAIR [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]

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