MQ bio-psycho-social grants for mental health

MQ seeks to fund a diverse research portfolio that reflects a bio-psycho-social approach to mental health. The MQ Fellows Fellowships are open to researchers from all over the world and from all disciplines related to mental health research. Research may involve theoretical, experimental, social science or medical humanities approaches. In accordance with the work of our Brighter Futures program, applications for the MQ Fellows Award 2020 must be focused  on   children and young people   (which we define from prenatal development up to the age of 24). Projects must focus on real impact by mapping, informing, developing and / or testing preventive or therapeutic interventions. 

With the Fellows Prize, MQ aims to support the most promising early career scientists, clinicians and researchers working to launch their independent research careers in the field of mental health. The winners will ask questions that could bring transformational advances in the mental health sciences and undertake research that could improve the lives of young people living with mental illness. 

The winners will also demonstrate their commitment to leadership, interdisciplinary research and MQ ambassador status. They will join a global community of MQ supporters and friends who champion progress in all areas of mental health research.

Presentation window will open  February 24  th by 2020.

Please contact MQ directly with any questions regarding this funding opportunity or applying to  .

The deadline for applications is Friday 3  rd  April 2020 17:00 BST. All requests must be made through the   electronic request portal  , which will be accessible from  February 24  th by 2020.

A PDF version of the application guide is available  here   with a template of the  EOI application questions  . 

Please familiarize yourself with our   research policies   before applying.


What is included in all prices?

All MQ Fellows Awards will provide funding of up to £ 225,000 (GBP) for up to three years.

These funds can be used for any of the following:

  • Start-up funding for a specific project or transition funding for an ongoing project
  • Salary support  (for the applicant or any member of the research support staff, research assistant)
  • Direct research costs  (for example, research consumables, specialized equipment *)
  • Animal costs (  for the purchase, import, housing and care of animals used in accordance with the  position statement of  the  CDMA on the use of animals in research  )
  • Travel expenses  (for example, visiting collaborators, project mentors and attending conferences)
  • Patient and public participation costs
  • Other costs  (for example, high cost items or experiences, for example gene expression, fees for external or internal services, publication fees)

(* concerns any equipment not found in a standard laboratory which is specifically required to carry out this project)

The host institution, which can be anywhere in the world, must cover all indirect and overhead costs, such as  non-specific estimated costs. Succession costs (ie heating / lighting), laptops and office stationery, finance and personnel (HR) costs are not eligible for funding,  although practical common for your institution to impose overhead costs on external grants.


The MQ Fellows Award is designed to support early career researchers who investigate issues that will ultimately improve the quality of life for people with mental illness. Applicants will have made an excellent start to their research careers, as evidenced by their research results and work history to date.

 We are looking for candidates who establish their independence through their intellectual efforts and their leadership. Researchers must be fully committed to this path and at a career stage that demonstrates this commitment. Applicants will be able to demonstrate that they are either newly independent or will be independent by the time the scholarships are finalized in the summer of 2020.

This price is not suitable for autonomous 3-year postdoctoral research projects. The team informs you that the candidates must be researchers at the start of their career wishing to establish their independence:

  • with a  doctorate, DPhil, DClinPsy, MBBS, MD or equivalent
  • have accumulated from  3 to 7 years by January 2020  thanks to equivalent full-time research experience, of a nature equivalent to postdoctoral research
  • be able to demonstrate that this award will help establish your independence from your current position

It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate the appropriate career stage.

Eligible applicants  must  :

  • clearly show how the proposed project is relevant for children and young people (from prenatal development up to the age of 24), and how it focuses on defining pathways to a real impact on mental illness through development of preventive treatments or interventions.
  • be able to demonstrate in their submitted request that:
  1. the proposal was informed by the priorities of people who have experienced mental illness. This could be done for example (but not limited to) by responding to questions identified in published research priority setting exercises, such as the James Lind Alliance projects for  youth mental health  ,  depression  ,  schizophrenia  ,  bipolar disorder  and  digital mental health  .
  2. the project contains elements of public and patient participation (PPI) and / or co-design, according to the specific proposal. MQ defines PPI according to the British definition  NIHR Implolve  as research carried out  with or by  members of the public rather than  for, for or about  We define co-design in accordance with the key principles described  here  and consider that proportionally and appropriately, PPI and co-design almost always improve research and often accelerate impact.
  • the proposal takes into account the interdisciplinary nature of mental health research
  1. the proposal will aim to provide solid results that follow open research practices.
  • be eligible to enter the UK for an interview and to participate in annual meetings, if they are not a UK national. Applicants, who can be from any country, are responsible for obtaining their own visa, if necessary.
  • complete and submit their application in English.

Applications may be rejected without further consideration:

  • if it is received in an incomplete state
  • is provided in a format other than that requested
  • is received after the stated deadline
  • does not fulfill the specified mandate
  • if applicants have substantial funding commitments (research support over £ 225,000 / year, excluding FEC / indirect costs)

MQ recognizes that good research takes place in favorable environments and will assess the requests accordingly. The  host institution   , which can be anywhere in the world, must be well recognized in the field and provide solid support for independent research while encouraging professional and personal development. All research must comply with applicable local and / or national regulations / laws and meet an equivalent standard established by the United Kingdom, as indicated in the guidance notes.

Applications must be accompanied by a statement of support from the head of department of the host institution.

You and your institution must accept  the standard MQ grant conditions and policies  before starting an application, as the terms and conditions associated with a scholarship are not negotiable.

Application process

The MQ Fellows Awards 2020 follow a 3-step application process.

 Step 1:  Expression of interest

Applicants must complete and submit a request for expression of interest form from step 1. This must be submitted to MQ’s  online application system  by the  deadline of  Friday 3  rd  April 2020 at 17:00 BST (GMT) +1)  .

The Stage 1 Expression of Interest includes a short request, an abbreviated resume form, and a statement of support and signature from the applicant’s department head (HoD). Please ensure that there is sufficient time to obtain HoD authorization before the relevant deadline.

Applications will be examined by the MQ research team and the MQ scholarship jury. Requests that do not meet the submission criteria will not be processed further. Applicants will be informed of the results of the Stage 1 exam by the end of May 2020.

Step 2: Invited proposal

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to participate in step 2 of the process, by submitting a full application with a detailed scientific proposal, including how the PPI was taken into account in the design of the project, as well as a budget full.

Applicants are invited to propose scientific mentors for their project, who may be from any field, and whose research is relevant to the proposed project.

The deadline for proposals is Friday 3 guests  rd  July 2020 at 17:00 BST (GMT + 1)

Applications must have the support of your department head and be approved by the grant or finance manager before the deadline  .

The invited proposals from step 2 will be examined, marked and classified by the selection committee of MQ scholarship recipients, external and non-professional examiners. Those who pass this stage will be invited for an interview. 

Step 3: Interview by invitation

Finalists will be interviewed by the MQ Group stock price the week of 21  st  September 2020, London, United – Kingdom.

By submitting a proposal invited in step 2, candidates verify their ability to participate in the interview process and to be able to accept a financing offer according to the terms and conditions associated with the price, if an offer is made.

The final decisions for the MQ Fellows 2020 scholarships will be taken by the MQ Fellows scholarship jury in October 2020, on the basis of the candidate’s requested step 2 proposal, external examination and performance during the interview. .

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