Applications for the LISS DTP ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowships are now open

The London Interdisciplinary Social Science DTP is inviting applications for seven ESRC-funded postdoctoral fellowships to be based at any of our partner institutions: King’s College LondonQueen Mary University of London, or Imperial College London.

These fellowships are aimed at those in the immediately postdoctoral stage of their career, to provide the opportunity to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, their networks, and their research and professional skills. Fellowships will provide funding for up to one year full-time, or up to two years part-time to cover the fellow’s salary plus up to £10,000 of additional costs (e.g., travel, conference attendance, training, fieldwork, mentoring time, etc.).

All Fellows are required to have a mentor based at the research organisation where the fellowship is held. The mentor should have experience and a strong interest in the applicant’s field of research but should not normally have been the applicant’s PhD supervisor. Proposals are welcome from both single disciplines and combinations of disciplines but the fellowship activities must be based at least 50% within the social sciences and must fall under one of LISS DTP’s Thematic Pathways:

The call is open to applicants who:

  • have completed their PhD at a research organisation that is part of an ESRC-funded DTP or CDT and
  • have no more than 12 months full-time (or pro rata equivalent) of active postdoctoral experience by the competition closing date (22nd March 2019). This is defined as any post involving a research component – it does not include teaching-only contracts. The period is calculated between the date of the viva and 22nd March 2019 (taking into account any career breaks).
  • Applicants do not have to have had an ESRC-funded doctoral studentship in order to be eligible to apply.
  • At the submission deadline (22nd March 2019), the applicant must either have been awarded a PhD or have submitted their thesis and passed their viva voce with minor corrections, with the expectation that the PhD will be awarded by the fellowship start date (1st October 2019).

Applicants are required to submit a completed application form by 16.00 on 22nd March 2019 via the King’s jobs website: [link available shortly]. Please also email the required attachments (in either Word or PDF format) in a single email to [address to be confirmed shortly] before this deadline. Please ensure you quote the reference number [to be confirmed shortly] in the subject line of the email.

Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed in May 2019, with final decisions being communicated to applicants by 28 June 2019.
Fellowships will commence on 1st October 2019.

  • Full details about this Call are available here: [PDF] [Doc]
  • A list of institutions where applicants must have completed their PhD can be found here: [PDF]
  • A list of Frequently Asked Questions and associated answers can be found here: [PDF] [Doc]
  • Slides from the Webinar/Postdoctoral Information Event (from March 2018) can be found here: [LISS DTP PDF slides 2018]
  • The Webinar presentation with audio (from March 2018) can be accessed by clicking here

For queries, please contact

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