Junior group leader position in neuroscience – ITI NeuroStra, Strasbourg, France

NeuroStra is an interdisciplinary thematic institute of Research and Training in Neuroscience funded by the University of Strasbourg, CNRS and INSERM, which started in January 2021. Gathering 10 laboratories (about 400 members), NeuroStra’s ambition is to structure the research and training programs of the Strasbourg neuroscience teams around their internationally recognized scientific strengths: nociception and pain (NeuroPain), time processing in the nervous system (NeuroTime), and neurogenetic and neurodegenerative diseases (NeuroDegen).

NeuroStra aims to recruit an outstanding junior scientist to develop a project in line with one of the following two priority axes: NeuroPain or NeuroDegen. The levels of investigation of the project can range from molecular to integrated ones, including clinical approaches in humans.

Position specifications

The selected group leader will benefit from a starting package, and she/he will be supported to apply for complementary funding (e.g. FRM-Amorçage jeunes équipes, ATIP-Avenir…) and for a tenured position at the CNRSINSERM or University of Strasbourg. The selected group leader will have access to state-of-the-art facilities in molecular and cell biology, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, cell and brain imaging, neuroanatomy, electron microscopy, and behavioural and physiological analyses. Appropriate laboratory and office space will be provided.

The selected group leader will develop her/his research project in the NeuroStra research unit of her/his choice, among the following:

Laboratory of Cognitive and Adaptive Neuroscience (LNCA – UMR 7364)

Integrative Multimodal Imaging in Health (IMIS – ICube UMR 7357)

Myelin biopathology, neuroprotection and therapeutic strategies (U1119 Inserm)

Central and peripheral mechanisms of neurodegeneration (U1118 Inserm)

Cognitive neuropsychology and pathophysiology of schizophrenia (U1114 Inserm)

Laboratory of Medical Genetics (LGM – U1112 Inserm)

Chemistry and Molecular Neurobiology (CAMB – UMR 7199)

Laboratory of Neurocardiovascular Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPTNC – UR 7296)

Bureau for Economic Theory and Applications (BETA – UMR 7522)


Applicants should be dynamic early-career neuroscientists, with the potential to develop an innovative and independent research program, in interaction and collaboration with researchers from NeuroStra. Candidates must meet criteria to compete for national and international research funding and for French institutional research and/or teaching positions. Applicants should have excellent training background and publication track record and must:

·        be within the first 10 years following PhD defence;

·        already have 1st author/last author postdoctoral publication(s);

Researchers already holding a permanent position in France are welcome to apply, if willing to continue their career in Strasbourg.

Contacts for requirement-related inquiries: Valérie Simonneaux and Jean-Christophe Cassel, co-directors of NeuroStra.

How to apply

Applications in a single pdf file should include:

·        a complete CV, including the list of publications;

·        two letters of recommendation;

·        descriptions of previous research achievements (1-2 pages);

·        a planned research project within the research domains of NeuroStra (2-3 pages);

·        3 original articles (pdf) considered by the applicant as her/his main scientific contributions to the field.

Applications must be sent to Laurent Nexon (nexon@unistra.fr) before 27 February 2022.


All applications will undergo a pre-selection procedure by the NeuroStra Steering Committee. Pre-selected applicants will be evaluated by an international jury independent from NeuroStra during an oral presentation in June 2022.

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