Monthly Archives: August 2020

Pancreatic Cancer Biology

Position Description: Seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral applicant to train in an exciting research lab at the NYU School of Medicine in NYC with a focus on pancreatic cancer biology. The Kimmelman lab focuses on understanding various aspects of the disease including its unique metabolism as well as mechanisms of therapeutic resistance and utilizes …

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Two Postdoctoral Positions in Cancer Systems Genetics

Position: Two Postdoctoral Positions Laboratory of Dr. Teresa Davoli Institute for Systems Genetics NYU School of Medicine, Science Building 435 East 30th Street, New York, NY 10016 Research Project We are looking for highly motivated scientists with great communication skills and collaborative spirit and love for science. The projects will mainly focus on …

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The Department of Chemistry at Princeton University invites applications for a tenuretrack assistant professor position

The Department of Chemistry at Princeton University invites applications for a tenuretrack assistant professor position. The department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their strong commitment to research, teaching, and mentoring. The search is open to all areas …

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Lawrence Fellow Post Doc

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Science and Technology on a Mission! For more than 60 years, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has applied science and technology to make the world a safer place. With expertise that spans world-class basic science to premier advanced technologies, we have always been at the forefront of …

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Associate Professor in Quantum Graph Theory

DTU Compute’s Section for Algorithms, Logic and Graph theory (AlgoLoG), invites applications for an appointment as Associate Professor within Quantum Graph Theory. The position is available from 1 May 2021 or according to mutual agreement. We are seeking a candidate whose research concerns the interplay between combinatorics and quantum information, with …

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PhD Position in Algorithmic Cheminformatics

A PhD position starting 1 October 2020, or as soon as possible thereafter, is available at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) for research on an exciting project in algorithmic cheminformatics supported by the Danish Research Council: “Algorithmic Cheminformatics Meets Causality Analysis”. We are seeking an excellent and highly motivated …

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Recruitment of Directors/Principal Investigators and Tenure-track assistant professor at Institute of Chemical Biology, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Shenzhen, China

SZBL strives to become a hub for world-class research at the forefront of health science and innovation. Within this institute, the Division of Translational Research will consist of preclinical drug discovery and early drug development expertise and capabilities for small molecules, peptides/proteins and antibodies. Our state of the art facilities will …

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Associate Professor in Biological Chemistry/Cell Biology

University of Stavanger is looking for an Associate Professor in Biological Chemistry/Cell Biology at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering. The strategic research area for our Department is One Health, encompassing human, animal, plant, and environmental health. We are looking for a candidate …

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L1 : Affichage des notes d’examen de Chimie II

L2 : Affichage des notes d’examen de Chimie II Section 1 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”google”] Section 2 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”google”]

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L1 : Affichage des notes d’examen de TCE (Anglais)

L2 : Affichage des notes d’examen de TCE (Anglais) Section 1 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”google”] Section 2 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”google”]

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Kuwait Prize 2020 Invitation for Nominations

The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences invites universities, scientific and research institutions and individuals (see items 3 and 4 below) to submit nominations of Kuwaiti and Arab scientists for the 2020 cycle of the Kuwait Prize. The five fields for the 2020 cycle of the Prize are: Basic Sciences: Earth Sciences …

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جائزة قطر العالمية لحوار الحضـارات، الدورة الثـالثـة 2020- 2021

جائزة قطر العالمية لحوار الحضـارات، الدورة الثـالثـة 2020- 2021 في موضوع:  ” دور وسائل الدعوة والإعلام في ترسيخ قيم التعايش والحد من خطاب الكراهية” بالتعاون بين كرسي الإيسيسكو لتحالف الحضارات بكلية الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية-جامعة قطر، واللجنة القطرية لتحالف الحضارات بوزارة الخارجية القطرية، واتحاد جامعات العالم الإسلامي بمنظمة الإيسيسكو. 1-    السياق …

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Apply for our € 5,000 scholarship on sustainability and let us help you make a real difference is a Danish platform for lifelong learning. We believe that today’s students, through their research and future internships, can help shape the world of tomorrow in a positive way – and we want to help them on their way! This is why we are offering a scholarship of up to …

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