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100 bachelor’s and master’s scholarships offered by Ca’foscari University in Venice

The University of Ca ‘Foscari in Venice  opens up numerous scholarships for programs of licenses and masters. The nominations are open to students of all nationalities. The “Ca ‘Foscari” University of Venice  is an Italian university, headquartered in Venice, on the  Grand Canal , between the Rialto and San Marco. Last time of application  :  open. Application condition  : -Holder Master and / or license in connection with the selected program. …

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Radboud Scholarship Programme for International Students

The Radboud Scholarship Programme is a very selective scholarship programme. It offers talented, highly motivated, non-EEA students with outstanding study results the opportunity to be awarded a scholarship for a complete English-taught Radboud University Master’s degree programme. Scope of the programme Each year 12 full scholarships and about 25 partial scholarships …

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