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Programme de bourses postdoctorales (BP)

Quel type d’appui le Programme de bourses postdoctorales fournit-il? Le Programme de bourses postdoctorales (BP) fournit un appui à un petit nombre de chercheurs très prometteurs qui sont à un tournant de leur carrière. Les bourses postdoctorales visent également à assurer un bassin de Canadiens hautement qualifiés qui possèdent des …

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Postdoctoral fellow in molecular virology, USA

An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Elizabeth White, Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. Our highly collaborative team studies the molecular biology of human papillomaviruses (HPVs). Our goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms by which HPVs modulate host immune responses and cause …

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Fellow positions at the Institute of Biophysics (IBP), Chinese Academy of Sciences

IBP Fellows are junior, independent positions intended for outstanding fresh Ph.D.’s to establish a vigorous research program at IBP within 3-5 years. Successful Fellows are expected to develop into a full-fledged tenure-track faculties at IBP. 1. Requirements Candidates should have obtained their PhD degree within last three years, and have demonstrated outstanding potential in …

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