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The 25 apps from the Play Store capable of hacking your Facebook

In total, the 25 applications have been downloaded 2.34 million times. Two of them (Super Wallpapers Flashlight and Padenatef) have been downloaded more than 500,000 times each. The applications were all developed by the same group, Rio Reader LLC. Although they all worked as promised (screen capture tool, flashlight, video editing, etc.), …

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Étudiant au doctorat: Concevoir l’exploration spatiale pour une informatique soucieuse de la précision

Suivant la tendance actuelle, d’ici 2040, les ordinateurs auront besoin de plus d’électricité que les ressources énergétiques mondiales ne peuvent en produire. Du côté des communications, la consommation d’énergie dans les réseaux mobiles à large bande est comparable à celle des centres de données. Pour aggraver les choses, l’Internet des objets connectera …

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PhD position: Discovery, characterization and exploitation of natural product and xenobiotic glycosyltransferases

PhD position Discovery, characterization and exploitation of natural product and xenobiotic glycosyltransferases in Graz / Austria The Nidetzky group @acib We are specialists in carbohydrate-active enzymes and their application in biocatalytic syntheses. Our team of around 30 people is located at Graz Technical University. Within ACIB we push enzymes towards …

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