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“Professor” of Biological Psychology (W2)

The University of Greifswald’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is seeking candidates for the position of “Professor” of Biological Psychology (W2) for appointment at the earliest possible date. We are seeking an internationally recognised expert with a strong research record in the area of biological psychology. The applicant (f/m) …

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Two PhD positions available in the field of Organic Materials and London Dispersion Interactions

Cotutelle PhD Award between Macquarie University (Australia) and Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Germany) The Cotutelle PhD Award programme offers candidates the opportunity to undertake a PhD with a strong supervisory team both in Giessen and in Sydney. The co-tutelle PhD candidates will be registered at both Macquarie University and Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen and …

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