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Post-Doctoral Fellow Positions – Surgical Robotics

The Surgical Robotics Laboratory ( in the Department of Biomechanical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering Technology) at the University of Twente, The Netherlands has several openings for a Post-doctoral fellows within the research area of soft continuum robotics and micro-/nano-robotics. Research project description Minimally invasive surgery has revolutionized medicine by enabling …

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PhD position at Utrecht University on understanding long term viscous and short term elastic soft soil deformation leading to land subsidence

Within the framework of the joint NWA-ORC-programme Living on Soft Soils: Subsidence & Society project of Utrecht University, TUDelft, Wageningen University and Research, Deltares Research Institute, TNO, Wageningen Environmental Research and Utrecht University, Utrecht University is seeking a motivated PhD candidate to work on this collaborative research programme. Programme description …

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