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Working at IMT Atlantique 2020 Recruitment Campaign

You will find below the list of positions to be filled as part of the recruitment campaign for teacher-researchers. Detailed job offers will be published from 22 January. (currently being updated) Texte Job title Départment Deadline for receipt of applications Date of interviews Application form & registration conditions Associate Professor in …

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vacancy for a PhD Candidate at Department of Marine Technology

About the position We have a vacancy for a PhD Candidate at Department of Marine Technology. We have a vacancy at “Marine Dynamics and Vibration Lab” (MD Lab) at NTNU for the HealthProp project, funded by ERA-NET Cofund scheme of Horizon 2020 of the European Commission and Norwegian Research Council. The …

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PostDoctor in System and Network Biology

About the position We are looking to fill one Post-doctoral associate position in Systems and Network Biology at Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, in the AlmaasLab. The position is financed by the Research Council of Norway through the Biotek2021 Digital Life program. It has a duration of 2.5 years. …

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