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PhD scholarships on Theory, Fabrication, and Optical Characterization of Subdiffraction Photonic Nanocavities – Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

A recent discovery has shown that it is possible to confine light at length scales much below the diffraction limit in semiconductors. Previously, this was only considered possible in metals through the excitation of plasmons, which unfortunately are associated with large optical losses. This new discovery opens tremendous possibilities for …

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PhD Scholarship in Organic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis – Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

A 3-year PhD fellowship in organic chemistry, photocatalysis, and homogeneous asymmetric metal catalysis under the supervision of Associate Professor Søren Kramer is available at the Technical University of Denmark. The project will be performed in the Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Section at DTU Chemistry. The position is available from October 1, 2022, …

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