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Musical improvisation is the spontaneous music

It was one of the worst storms to hit London since God knows when. The thunder rolled, lightning flashed and the rain hammered into the roof. There’s something about a storm that brings a sense of doom. It fitted so perfectly. When the ITV news flash sign came on the …

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The meaning of health has evolved over time

In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body’s ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. An example of such a definition of health is: “a state …

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Watch his dreams in film form will soon be possible!

A team of researchers are developing a technology that can interpret images of the body’s actions in a person’s dream. To watch his dreams like a movie is soon no longer science fiction! We have all had a dream that we can not remember when we wake up . To this day, viewing his …

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