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Soutien à la mobilité internationale CNRS/InSHS

Dans le cadre du soutien à la mobilité internationale, l’InSHS propose aux chercheur(e)s, enseignant(e)s-chercheur(e)s et ingénieur(e)s de recherche des unités de recherche dont le CNRS est tutelle ou cotutelle, une aide pour la réalisation d’actions de recherche à l’étranger en 2022. Cette aide concerne toutes les disciplines et tous les …

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LEaDing Postdoctoral Fellowships for International Researchers in Netherlands

The new LEaDing Fellows Programme is now available for worldwide researchers to study at some of the universities in the Netherlands. The LEaDing Fellows Postdoc Programme aims to help early-stage ambitious and excellent researchers to develop new research skills, transferable skills and a view on career options in an academic research, industrial …

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For the 14th global edition of the Metro Photo Challenge, Metro is proud to present this year’s photography contest that will focus on feelings #MakeUsFeel. They happily invite you to participate in one of the three available categories: happy, hope or sad and/or angry starting september 24, 2018. Happy What …

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