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Vacancy: Communications Intern for the LIRA 2030 programme

The intern will be helping to support the LIRA 2030 programme (Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa). This programme, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), seeks to develop the potential of next-generation scientists in Africa, in the production and communication of policy-relevant knowledge in the domain of …

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Chaque année, nous mettons au défi certains des esprits les plus pointus dans leur secteur de penser hors des sentiers battus et nous les récompensons pour cela d’un prix d’une valeur de 3 000 € . Le Developers Challenge E-commerce Prize a été créé afin de permettre aux étudiants de mettre leurs …

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CRENC Studentships for MD Students, MDs and Medical Residents in Cameroon

The CRENC is now inviting applications from MD students, MDs and Medical Residents to undertake short collaborative projects with Prof. Anastase DZUDIE, as principal investigator and the CRENC research group, in clinical research. These collaborative studentships would be expected to run for between 3 and 12 months, and this should …

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