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Call for nominations: L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Awards 2019

Scientists and scientific institutions around the world are invited to present and nominate the most qualified candidates for the 2019 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Awards, until 13 July 2018. Their active participation will ensure that the best female researchers from each continent are recognized and rewarded for their scientific …

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Academic Mobility for African Sustainable Development/AMAS Master and PhD Scholarships, 2018/19

Academic Mobility for African Sustainable Development/AMAS Master and PhD Scholarships is now available for the academic year 2018-2019. This scholarship is available for young Africans. The scheme aims to promote sustainable development and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction by increasing the availability of trained and qualified high-level professional manpower in …

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Doctoral Scholarships for African Students at FIU in USA, 2018

In collaboration with FIU, the Université Aube Nouvelle is now accepting applications for doctoral studies scholarships within the Framework of FIU’s African Graduate Students Initiative (AGSI) coordinated by Dr. Lakhdar Boukerrou, Co-Director International Program at the Institute of Water and Environment. FIU welcomes international students to join their diverse and intercultural community. More than …

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