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TWAS Awards (researchers from developing countries)

The Academy provides nine awards to individual scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least 10 years. The cycle of the TWAS Awards is now every two years. Deadline 31 March 2022 Partner Organizations – Eligible Nominees from Any Field Agricultural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, …

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Summer Studentship from the Society for Endocrinology, UK

Enabling supervisors to host undergraduate students in endocrinology or the life sciences during a 10-week summer placement.  COVID-19 update for Society Grants & Awards Enabling students to gain valuable hands-on experience in an active research environment. Students can apply for grants to be hosted in a member’s lab over the …

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Open Grant Calls – Bone Cancer Research Trust

​Since the Bone Cancer Research Trust was formed in 2006, we have awarded over £5.2 million to research focused on improving outcomes for primary bone cancer patients. To date, we have funded 101 research projects and continue to expand our research network, encouraging more researchers to focus their expertise on …

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