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PhD student positions in Economics – Jönköping, Sweden

Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) is recognized as the most international business school in Sweden and one of the most international in the world—teaching at all levels is done in English, the working language is English, and our faculty and students originate from all over the world- Read more about …

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A fully funded postdoctoral position is available in the Computational Genomics Laboratory at the Lady Davis Institute, McGill University

The position start date is flexible, and remote work arrangements during the initial period can be discussed. We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to develop projects at the interface of cancer and brain development, integrating large multimodal datasets across species and disease models. The Kleinman lab combines genome-wide technologies and …

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Postdoctoral research scientist positions in computational cancer biology at Columbia University

The Azizi Lab (Computational Cancer Biology Laboratory) at Columbia University is seeking enthusiastic and self-driven postdoctoral research scientists with a background in computational biology, machine learning, statistics, data science, bioinformatics and/or genomics, cancer biology, immunology. The Azizi Lab ( utilizes an interdisciplinary approach combining cutting-edge single-cell genomic and imaging technologies with …

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