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PhD fellowship in in Planet Formation at the Globe Institute

Our group and research The Centre for Star and Planet Formation is a multidisciplinary research centre focused on understanding the formation of planetary systems, including the Solar System, using a multidisciplinary approach that combines astronomy, astrophysics and cosmochemistry. Globe institute is a department at the Faculty of Health and Medical …

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Plant-Based Proteins: Allies for Senior Muscle Mass

As individuals age, a gradual loss of muscle mass and strength becomes a common concern. A recent study published in the Nutrients journal suggests that incorporating plant-based proteins, such as soy, could be beneficial in slowing down this process among seniors. Positive Effects of Soy on Senior Muscle Mass: Researchers …

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5 positions for PhD fellowships in biomedicine

Offer Description You will join a biomedical research centre with a solid track-record of excellence and competitiveness, located in the Campus Clínic in Barcelona (Spain). The Campus offers a stimulating research and innovation environment, including the Clínic Barcelona Hospital, a century-old reference hospital committed to healthcare, research and teaching, covering virtually …

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