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Doctoral Position (gn) to study the effects of medicinal plant extracts on bacterium-host interaction in uropathogenic Escherichia coli

The Institute of Hygiene, Section Microbial Genome Plasticity at the University of Muenster, Germany has an opening limited to 3 years for a Doctoral Position (gn*) to study the effects of medicinal plant extracts on bacterium-host interaction in uropathogenic Escherichia coli Reference Number 06438 Part-Time with 65% Scholarship with a …

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Two post-doctoral positions in neurosciences – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Montpellier, France

In the context of a very interdisciplinary and ambitious project in neuroscience, cell biology, microelectronics and robotics, we are seeking for two highly motivated post-doctoral fellows to join the teams of Raphael Gaudin (IRIM) and Ganesh Gowrishankar (LIRMM), both labs located in Montpellier, France. The project aims at recording and …

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The Kistefos Young Talented Leader Scholarship at IE was set up to remove financial barriers to education for high-potential individuals from Norway and Africa, helping them unleash their innovative business vision. Founded by Christen Sveaas, Kistefos AS is an investment company with a rich history in pursuing philanthropic projects committed …

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