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Sleeping with your mouth open can provide valuable insights into your state of health

As you drift off to sleep, the muscles in your face gradually relax, allowing your mouth to open naturally. According to Dr. Christine DeMason, an associate professor of otolaryngology at the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina, as cited by Huffpost, mouth breathing can occur at any …

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President’s PhD scholarships

If you are a high performing undergraduate or Master’s student and have a strong desire to undertake a PhD programme at a world-class research institution, a President’s PhD Scholarship could provide you with the outstanding opportunity to receive full funding for tuition fees and a generous stipend for a 3.5 year PhD …

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Why is food tastier when you eat it with your hands?

For decades, gastronomy predominantly focused on the design of dishes, as well as their shape and presentation, without considering how the food is actually consumed. However, recent scientific research has shed light on the benefits of eating with hands rather than utensils. Researchers have delved into how our perceptions of …

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