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The Marietta Blau Grant for doctoral or PhD students of Austrian universities

The Marietta Blau Grant offers financial support for six- to twelve-month study periods abroad for doctoral or PhD students of Austrian universities. It serves to optimise their dissertations. Junior researchers are the main target group. Target group: PhD-scholars from Austrian Universities Target countries: all except Austria Duration: 6 to 12 …

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George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program by the US-Ireland Alliance.

The George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program is a national, competitive scholarship sponsored by the US-Ireland Alliance. The George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program, named to honor former US Senator George Mitchell’s pivotal contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process, is designed to introduce and connect generations of future American leaders to …

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Web development intern

Internship details This is a Digital Opportunities Traineeship (DOT). If you want to apply for this internship, please remember that you have to be a student or recently graduated based in one of the 33 Programme Countries  participating in Erasmus+ or the Horizon 2020 Associated Countries  . Before applying for a Digital Opportunity Traineeship …

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