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The Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) is dedicated to research in the Humanities and Social Sciences, with ‘Sustainable Governance’ as its central topic. Our main thematic corridors are conflict and sustainable peace, democracy and environmental transformation. We are also interested in a wide range of …

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Bourses Alfried Krupp Senior et Alfried Krupp Junior 2024-25

L’Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald vise à nommer jusqu’à 6 Alfried Krupp Senior Fellows et jusqu’à 8 Alfried Krupp Junior Fellows au cours de l’année universitaire 2024/25. L’Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald est un institut indépendant d’études avancées situé dans le centre de la ville historique de Greifswald, près de la mer …

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Aluminum Foil Cooking: Myths and Realities

The use of products containing aluminum raises concerns about their possible contribution to various diseases, including cancer. From time to time, questions arise regarding the risks of using these products. In this report, we will carefully examine the major products containing aluminium, with a particular focus on aluminum foil and …

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