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Fully Funded Asthma UK PhD Scholarship: Location, location, location: identifying the trade-off between being active and being exposed to air pollution for children with asthma This scholarship is funded by Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research. Subject areas: Sport and Exercise Sciences The health benefits associated with regular physical activity are …

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Call for applications : 2021 Odyssée artist-in-residency programme/

With the support of the French Ministry of culture, the ACCR has been coordinating the Odyssée artist-in-residency program. The program is aiming at artists, researchers and culture professionals from countries other than France wanting to develop projects within French Cultural Centers – Historic Monuments More than 700 artists from over …

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Comptable local.e

POSTE À POURVOIR Comptable local.e IMPLANTATION Direction régionale Afrique de l’Ouest AFFICHAGE N° DRAO-2021-04-13 PÉRIODE D’AFFICHAGE Du 23 avril au 8 mai 2021 L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) regroupe 1007 universités, grandes écoles, réseaux universitaires et centres de recherche scientifique utilisation la langue française dans 119 pays. Créée il …

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