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Newsom-Davis Visiting Fellowships

Up to two short term fellowships will be awarded each year to neurologists from Eastern Europe (in former Warsaw pact countries) and countries eligible for Official Development Assistance (on the OECD’s List of ODA Recipients). The fellowships are intended for clinicians who wish to spend up to three months in …

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Immuno-Informatics Postdoctoral Fellowship – USA

The Cancer Research Institute (CRI) Immuno-Informatics Postdoctoral Fellowship Program aims to support qualified young scientists at academic research institutions around the world who wish to receive dual training in immunology and data science. The fellowships will support both computational biologists who seek to strengthen their knowledge of immunology and cancer …

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Absence des Universités Francophones en Afrique au Classement de Shanghai 2023

Les résultats du Classement de Shanghai 2023, publiés le mardi 15 août, ont confirmé une fois de plus l’absence remarquée des universités francophones en Afrique. Malgré les années qui passent, ces établissements n’ont toujours pas réussi à se hisser parmi les 1000 universités mondiales répertoriées. Le classement, qui célèbre cette …

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