Job Archives

La réputation de la Hongrie pour ses niveaux de vie et de travail élevés continue d'attirer les expatriés à la recherche d'opportunités d'emploi. Pour ceux qui envisagent de déménager en Hongrie pour travailler en 2024, il est crucial de comprendre les subtilités du processus de demande de visa de travail pour la Hongrie. Ce guide détaillé fournit des informations clés sur les exigences, les types de visas et le calendrier de demande.

Exigences en matière de visa de travail pour la Hongrie en 2024 :

Les candidats internationaux résidant en dehors de l'Union européenne (UE) et de l'Espace économique européen (EEE) doivent obtenir un visa de travail pour travailler légalement en Hongrie.

Exemptions du visa de travail pour la Hongrie :

Les citoyens de l'UE/EEE sont exemptés de l'obligation de visa de travail pour la Hongrie. Cependant, un séjour prolongé nécessite un permis de séjour pour les citoyens non-UE/EEE et UE/EEE.

Raisons d’obtention d’un titre de séjour :

  • Emploi saisonnier
  • Poursuite d’une activité rémunératrice
  • Emploi général
  • Travailleurs professionnels (carte bleue européenne)

Types de visas de travail pour la Hongrie :

  1. Pour l'emploi : délivré aux candidats internationaux avec une offre d'emploi d'un employeur hongrois.
  2. Pour les entreprises privées : Pour ceux qui dirigent une entreprise privée légale en Hongrie.
  3. Pour le travail saisonnier : conçu pour les personnes travaillant pendant une période ou une saison spécifique.
  4. Pour les travailleurs professionnels : La carte bleue européenne, pour les professionnels qualifiés ou experts dans leur domaine.

Documentation du visa de travail pour la Hongrie 2024 :

Pour compléter la procédure de candidature, vous avez besoin de :

  • Passeport valide avec deux pages vierges
  • Formulaire de candidature complété
  • Deux photographies couleur format passeport
  • Document d'assurance maladie (prouvant une couverture de 30 000 EUR)
  • Preuve d'hébergement
  • Relevé bancaire démontrant la capacité financière
  • Contrat de travail de l'employeur hongrois
  • Certificat d'immatriculation à une entreprise VOEN (si travailleur indépendant)
  • Référence de l'impôt payé par le Ministère des Impôts d'AR pour les six derniers mois

Remarque : Des documents supplémentaires peuvent être requis en fonction de l'objet de la demande.

Informations clés sur le visa de travail hongrois en 2024 :

Délai de traitement : Prévoyez une période de traitement d'environ trois mois ou plus pour l'approbation de votre visa de travail pour la Hongrie.

Procédure d'arrivée :

  1. Inscription : Dans les trois jours suivant votre arrivée, inscrivez-vous rapidement à la Direction régionale.
  2. Carte de séjour : Acquérir une carte de séjour, facilitant la libre circulation à l'intérieur du pays.
  3. Assurance Maladie : Initiez le processus de demande de carte d'assurance maladie (Carte TAJ).
  4. Résiliation du contrat : informez immédiatement les autorités de l'immigration de toute résiliation de contrat.

Coût : Les frais pour un visa de travail hongrois s'élèvent à 110 EUR.

Validité : Depuis 2024, les visas de travail hongrois ont généralement une validité de 1 ou 2 ans, tandis que les visas saisonniers sont généralement valables pour des périodes allant de 6 à 12 mois.

Processus de prolongation : Si vous souhaitez prolonger votre séjour et votre emploi en Hongrie, le processus de prolongation nécessite un paiement de 95 EUR. Il est conseillé de commencer la demande de prolongation au moins 30 jours avant l'expiration du visa.

Membres de la famille : les membres de votre famille ont la possibilité de vous accompagner avec un visa familial, leur permettant de poursuivre des études et des activités professionnelles en Hongrie.

Liens externes:

Explorer les opportunités d'emploi en Hongrie : les principales entreprises proposant un parrainage de visa en 2024

Le marché du travail florissant et le niveau de vie élevé de la Hongrie en font une destination attrayante pour les expatriés à la recherche d'opportunités d'emploi. Obtenir un emploi grâce au parrainage d’un visa est une étape cruciale dans le processus de relocalisation. Voici dix grandes entreprises hongroises connues pour offrir un parrainage de visa aux candidats internationaux :

  1. Groupe MOL :
  2. Banque OTP :
  3. Audi Hongrie :
  4. Ericsson Hongrie :
  5. Wizz Air:
  6. Services informatiques Hongrie :
  7. Fabrication Mercedes-Benz en Hongrie :
  8. Services de conseil Tata (TCS) :
  9. Morgan Stanley Hongrie :
  10. Prix :

Conclusion _

La main-d’œuvre hongroise exige une préparation minutieuse et le strict respect du processus de demande de visa. Ce guide détaillé s'efforce de vous fournir des informations essentielles, garantissant une expérience de candidature simplifiée.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiLa main d'oeuvre

La réputation de la Hongrie pour ses niveaux de vie et de travail élevés continue d’attirer les expatriés à la recherche d’opportunités d’emploi. Pour ceux qui envisagent de d...View more


Le Département de développement international de l'Université de Birmingham est heureux d'offrir une bourse pour notre maîtrise en politique et politique de développement (avec le stage de la Fondation Mo Ibrahim).

La bourse est fournie par la Fondation Mo Ibrahim et est destinée à un programme de deux ans, le candidat retenu entreprenant le programme complet de maîtrise d'un an, ainsi qu'un stage intégré d'un an. Le stage permet au candidat retenu de passer six mois avec l'IDD à travailler sur la recherche avec des universitaires et le GSDRC , puis six mois avec la Fondation Mo Ibrahim à Londres, travaillant aux côtés de l'équipe sur diverses initiatives de la Fondation qui visent à « mettre la gouvernance au premier plan ». centre du développement de l'Afrique ». Cela inclut la participation au Now Generation Forum, un nouveau forum pour les dirigeants africains émergents et les jeunes professionnels dans le cadre du Forum Ibrahim et du Week-end de la gouvernance Ibrahim.

Le programme

L’idée selon laquelle « la politique compte » est de plus en plus devenue le mantra des décideurs et des praticiens du développement – ​​ainsi que des spécialistes du développement – ​​et il est désormais de plus en plus reconnu que le développement – ​​que ce soit aux niveaux national, infranational, régional ou mondial – est intrinsèquement politique. Les problèmes auxquels nous sommes confrontés et les opportunités à notre portée nécessitent de solides compétences en analyse politique ainsi qu’une compréhension approfondie des fondements politiques des défis de développement mondial. L'enseignement apporte des leçons du monde entier sur la politique, le pouvoir, la gouvernance et la politique, et nous bénéficions du corps étudiant véritablement multinational de l'IDD qui enrichit les discussions en partageant ses propres expériences et expertises.

Ce MSc établit un lien direct entre les approches politiques académiques et pratiques du développement, ancrées dans la théorie et les preuves. Les recherches de pointe de l'IDD sur la gouvernance, le leadership, la démocratie, la pensée et le travail politique et bien plus encore informent notre enseignement, et les étudiants sont exposés à l'innovation et à la rigueur, à la complexité et au débat, reliant la théorie et la pratique.

Le parcours pour la bourse Fondation comprend les modules obligatoires suivants :

  • Développement international (20 crédits)
  • Politique et politique de développement (20 crédits)
  • Mémoire (60 crédits). Une concentration approfondie sur un sujet d'intérêt particulier, avec le soutien d'un superviseur. Cela peut impliquer un travail sur le terrain à l'étranger dans un pays choisi par le candidat.

Choisissez l'un des modules suivants :

  • Gouvernance et construction de l'État (20 crédits)
  • Démocratie, dictature et développement (20 crédits)

Modules optionnels (60 crédits)

Choisissez parmi n’importe quel module de l’École de gouvernement. Vous pouvez choisir un module dans une autre école ou collège avec l'accord du directeur du programme.


Les conditions d'entrée consistent en :

  • Un diplôme spécialisé de première classe ou l'équivalent d'une université agréée est essentiel .
  • Les candidats doivent être âgés de moins de 30 ans au moment de la candidature.
  • Bon anglais écrit et parlé. Pour ceux dont la langue maternelle n’est pas l’anglais, une preuve de cette capacité est requise. Les candidats doivent atteindre au moins le niveau 6,5 pour l'IELTS ou 580/93 pour le TOEFL. Veuillez consulter le site Web de l'Université pour plus d'informations sur les exigences linguistiques en anglais.
  • Les candidats doivent être des ressortissants africains domiciliés (ou résidents permanents) dans un pays africain. La préférence sera accordée aux candidats boursiers vivant en Afrique subsaharienne.

La bourse

La bourse comprend :

1. Frais de scolarité complets 2. Billet d'avion vers et depuis le Royaume-Uni et visa 3. Allocation mensuelle de 950 £ pour 18 mois 4. Indemnité d'arrivée de 950 £

Les six mois restants du stage seront financés directement par le candidat retenu par la Fondation Mo Ibrahim.

Processus de demande

Les candidatures doivent être reçues via le système de candidature en ligne de l'Université, avant le  8 avril 2024 . En plus des documents habituels à soumettre, vous devez également télécharger une déclaration de 500 mots et un CV. Cette déclaration doit expliquer pourquoi vous êtes le meilleur candidat pour la bourse.

Vous devez ensuite envoyer votre numéro d'identification de candidature à  Debra Beard . Veuillez inclure « Bourse Mo Ibrahim » dans la ligne d'objet de l'e-mail. Veuillez ne pas inclure de pièces justificatives dans cet e-mail.

Lien officiel{:}{:en}
Field of Study
  • International Affairs
  • Politics
  • Society
Level MSc
Country United Kingdom
Eligibility The entry requirements consist of:
  • A first class Honors degree or equivalent from an approved university is essential.
  • Applicants must be under 30 years of age at the time of applying.
  • Good written and spoken English. For those whose first language is not English, evidence of this capacity is required. Applicants should reach at least level 6.5 in the IELTS or 580 /93 for TOEFL. Please check the University website for more information on English language requirements.
  • Applicants must be African nationals domiciled (or permanent residents) in an African country. Preference will be given to scholarship candidates living in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  1. Applications must be received through the University online application system, by 8 April 2024. In addition to the usual documents to be submitted, you must also upload a 500 word statement and CV. This statement should set out why you are the best candidate for the scholarship.
  2. You must then send your application ID number to Debra Beard. Please include ‘Mo Ibrahim Scholarship’ in the subject line of the email. Please do not include any supporting documents in this email.
Deadline 08-Apr-24
Organization University of Birmingham with Mo Ibrahim Foundation
How to Apply Official Link
  • Full tuition fee.
  • Air fare to and from the United Kingdom and visa.
  • Monthly stipend of £950 for 18 months.
  • Arrival allowance of £950.
  • The remaining six months for the internship will be funded directly to the successful candidate by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiStage et Formation, Master

Le Département de développement international de l’Université de Birmingham est heureux d’offrir une bourse pour notre maîtrise en politique et politique de développement (avec le sta...View more

Dans le but de promouvoir et de susciter l’esprit d’entrepreneuriat en milieu universitaire, les Directions régionales Afrique australe et Océan indien, Afrique centrale et Grands Lacs, Afrique de l’Ouest et Caraïbe de l’AUF s’associent pour organiser la 3e édition du concours inter-régional « Mon idée, Mon entreprise ». Cette édition du concours porte sur la thématique : “ Au service du climat”. Le concours s’adresse aux étudiant.e.s et doctorant.e.s des établissements membres de l’AUF et vise fondamentalement à leur offrir l’opportunité et les moyens de transformer leurs idées en projet d’entreprise.

Les objectifs du concours

Favoriser la culture entrepreneuriale parmi les étudiant.e.s ainsi que les doctorant.e.s des universités membres de l’AUF Afrique australe et Océan indien, de l’AUF Afrique centrale et Grands lacs, de l’AUF Afrique de l’Ouest ainsi que de l’AUF Caraïbe. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit de :

  • Susciter et encourager l’esprit entrepreneurial des étudiant.e.s et des doctorant.e.s ;
  • Diffuser la culture entrepreneuriale dans les universités membres;
  • Encourager la réflexion autour de l’entrepreneuriat des étudiant.e.s et des doctorant.e.s ;
  • Faciliter la mise en relation entre des étudiant.e.s et doctorant.e.s porteurs d’idées d’entreprise et divers acteurs de l’écosystème entrepreneurial (start-up, incubateurs, entrepreneurs…);
  • Promouvoir les initiatives entrepreneuriales des étudiant.e.s et des doctorant.e.s.

Les modalités de participation :

Le concours est ouvert aux étudiant.e.s ainsi qu’aux doctorant.e.s régulièrement inscrits au cours de l’année académique 2023 – 2024 auprès des établissements membres de l’AUF en Afrique australe et Océan Indien, en Afrique centrale et Grands lacs, en Afrique de l’Ouest et dans les Caraïbes.

Vérifiez l’adhésion de votre établissement :

Afrique australe et Océan Indien: ici Afrique centrale et des Grands Lacs:  ici Afrique de l’Ouest:  ici Caraïbe :  Ici

Les avantages du concours :

Tous les projets présélectionnés pourraient bénéficier des avantages suivants :

  • Une formation qui peut couvrir aussi bien la structuration des projets et la préparation de pitch (montage financier, marketing stratégique, marketing opérationnel, art oratoire, enjeux climatiques etc.) ;
  • Une mise en relation avec d’autres lauréats afin de favoriser un partage d’expériences et de ressources ;
  • Mise en relation des lauréats avec des mentors et incubateurs de leur pays d’origine ;
  • Dotation financière (pour les projets lauréats).

La finale inter-régionale :

Chaque lauréat national du concours sera invité à la Finale inter-régionale qui se déroulera 11 au 14 juin 2024, à Luanda, en Angola. Pour effectuer le déplacement du Cameroun, chaque lauréat devra posséder un passeport en cours de validité (valable jusqu’en janvier 2025). Dans le cas d’une candidature collective, seul le chef de file sera convié à la finale inter-régionale.

Les lauréats du concours sont récompensés à travers cinq prix :

  • La meilleure idée de projet 
  • La meilleure innovation féminine 
  • La distinction pour l’innovation dans la recherche 
  • Le coup de cœur du jury 
  • Le prix du public 

Comment déposer sa candidature ?

Suivez ces étapes pour déposer votre candidature :

  1. Prenez connaissance du règlement MIME
  2. Remplissez le formulaire de présentation du projet
  3. Signez l’autorisation de droit à l’image
  4. Terminez votre inscription en remplissant le formulaire de candidature en ligne suivant :

Date limite de soumission de dossiers

Les dossiers de candidature devront être soumis en ligne au plus tard le 20 mars 2024 à 23h59 (GMT).

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPrix, Concours et offres

Dans le but de promouvoir et de susciter l’esprit d’entrepreneuriat en milieu universitaire, les Directions régionales Afrique australe et Océan indien, Afrique centrale et Grands Lacs, Afrique ...View more


Research Field
Funding Type
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
European Research Programme


ENRICH-TOGETHER – Enriching the Green and Blue Transition Research and Training Network by Working Together through the New European Research Area” is a 5-year project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND Programme with the Grant Agreement No. 101081645 and TÜBİTAK, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye, with the Grant Agreement No. 123C213.

Who? Highly motivated and excellent post-doctoral researchers of any gender, age, ethnic group, national or social origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, language, disability, political opinion, and social or economic condition from all over the world can apply as long as they fulfill the eligibility criteria.

To be eligible: 1) Applicants must be in possession of a doctoral degree or must have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree at the deadline of the call. 2) Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Türkiye for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.

What? ENRICH-TOGETHER bridges Green Deal and Blue Growth under an all-encompassing theme of Green and Blue Transition. Drawing on the strategy of the EC to fully embed the blue economy into the Green Deal, ENRICH-TOGETHER underpins not only multiple EC priorities and Missions but also almost all of 17 SGDs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN. As such, the research theme of ENRICH-TOGETHER does not only encourage excelling socially responsible research on global urgencies but also provides researchers a complete freedom of choice with its comprehensive theme intersecting almost all disciplines.

Through ENRICH-TOGETHER, we seek to support independent post-doctoral researchers and their innovative and interdisciplinary research ideas under the umbrella theme of Green and Blue Transition. The open call invites submission of research proposals from post-doctoral researchers who are interested in a research and training experience of the highest international standards under the encompassing theme of Green and Blue Transition cross-cutting almost all disciplines, ranging from philosophy, international relations and economy to civil engineering, physics and marine sciences.

ENRICH-TOGETHER will offer researchers the opportunity to boost their career prospects by:

  • having access to scientific and infrastructural opportunities to conduct innovative and interdisciplinary research by coupling with one of 60+ highly esteemed academics from METU;
  • adding international and intersectoral dimensions to their research with the option of 1-6 month-long secondments in academic and non-academic institutions;
  • following a tailor-made training composed of advanced scientific training as well as transferrable skills.

Why? We will offer a 12-24 month full-time employment contract with full social security coverage to 10 highly-motivated and excellent post-doctoral researchers. Following MSCA standards, the monthly gross salary, which includes all mandatory tax and social security contributions, will be € 3,980. Researchers will also have access to a research allowance of € 500 per month to cover their research, travel and advanced scientific training expenses.

How? Applicants have to independently develop a project proposal, identify a supervisor and if applicable specify a secondment institution. Candidates are strongly encouraged to incorporate secondments of 1-6 months into their research proposals. Secondments are optional but considered as an asset to create additional benefits for the fellow, in terms of knowledge transfer and enhancement of research skills and professional expertise.

Application documents to be submitted: Research Proposal, CV, Ethics and Security Tables, Identity Proof, Ph.D. Diploma/Certificate (in English), Letter of Commitment from Secondment Institution (if necessary).

Only application documents filled out in English and submitted online via the application system will be accepted.

For further details please visit proje website at:

When? The brief timeline of the call is presented below:

               Submission Deadline                                     April 16, 2024, 13:00 GMT (UK Time)

               Notifications of Acceptance and Rejection    September 2024

               Relocation and Start of Position                    by January-February 2025

Where? Depending on the selected supervisor, researchers will be based in:

               Ankara, Türkiye: @ METU or METU-GÜNAM

               Erdemli-Mersin, Türkiye: @ METU Institute of Marine Sciences

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral

Details Deadline 16 April 2024 Research Field All Funding Type Funding Career Stage Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent) European Research Programme...View more

Visiting Instructor Of Law, Stuart F. Smith Teaching Fellowship

Search #: 498235 Work type: Full-time Location: Law School Categories: Faculty Temporary

INTRODUCTION The University of Connecticut School of Law invites applications for the Stuart F. Smith Teaching Fellowship Program. This 2-year, renewal annually, visiting teaching fellowship program is designed to prepare fellows for entering law school teaching with a special focus on individuals who will contribute to the diversity of the legal academy. Fellows will have the opportunity to engage in focused research to support their scholarship and develop their teaching skills through course offerings aligned with their research interests. Faculty mentorship and professional development programming will help prepare fellows for the legal teaching market and a future academic career. A successful candidate will show potential for excellence in legal scholarship and teaching along with a demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The Law School is committed to building and supporting a vibrant, multicultural, and diverse community of students, faculty, and staff. We welcome and encourage applications from individuals underrepresented in the legal academy, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and other candidates with experiences, backgrounds, and viewpoints that will enrich our community and the broader legal profession. UConn Law School is the top-ranked public law school in the Northeast, offering a professional education and scholarly environment of the highest quality. Its beautiful Gothic Revival campus is located in the West End of Hartford, a few miles from the state capitol and courts, as well as the headquarters of leading insurance companies and other major corporations. The Law School has both day and evening divisions and offers the JD (Juris Doctor) degree, LLM (Master of Laws) degrees, and the SJD (Doctor of Laws) degree, as well as several dual degree programs. The supportive UConn Law faculty includes leading scholars, experienced practitioners, and internationally known experts in a wide range of fields. The Law School hosts four student journals, over forty student organizations, extensive clinical and public service for the surrounding communities, and one of the largest law libraries in the world. Founded in 1881, UConn is a Land Grant and Sea Grant institution and member of the Space Grant Consortium. It is the state’s flagship institution of higher education and includes a main campus in Storrs, CT, four regional campuses throughout the state, and 13 Schools and Colleges, including a Law School in Hartford, and Medical and Dental Schools at the UConn Health campus in Farmington. The University has approximately 10,000 faculty and staff and 32,000 students, including nearly 24,000 undergraduates and over 8,000 graduate and professional students. UConn is a Carnegie Foundation R1 (highest research activity) institution, among the top 25 public universities in the nation. Through research, teaching, service, and outreach, UConn embraces diversity and cultivates leadership, integrity, and engaged citizenship in its students, faculty, staff, and alumni. UConn promotes the health and well-being of citizens by enhancing the social, economic, cultural, and natural environments of the state and beyond. The University serves as a beacon of academic and research excellence as well as a center for innovation and social service to communities. UConn is a leader in many scholarly, research, and innovation areas. Today, the path forward includes exciting opportunities and notable challenges. Record numbers of undergraduate applications and support for student success have enabled the University to become extraordinarily selective. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS
  • JD degree or equivalent terminal degree in a related field.
  • Demonstrated potential for legal teaching excellence.
  • Demonstrated potential for scholarly excellence.
  • Demonstrated commitment to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace, legal academy, and/or profession.
  • Demonstrated potential to teach courses that will enhance curricular priorities.
APPOINTMENT TERMS The position is a non-tenure track, 2-year end-dated appointment, subject to annual review and renewal. The annual salary is $70,000. Benefits include health insurance and research support. Candidates should expect to work at the Law School located in Hartford, Connecticut. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Employment of the successful candidate is contingent upon the successful completion of a pre-employment criminal background check. TO APPLY Please apply online to Academic Jobs Online and submit the following application materials:
  • A letter of interest
  • Resume or curriculum vitae
  • Research proposal describing your general research interests and 1-2 specific scholarly projects you plan to pursue during your fellowship
  • A writing sample
  • A diversity statement
  • Names and contact information for three (3) references
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning on March 18, 2024. Any questions about the position or application materials may be directed to Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Intellectual Life Anne Dailey at At the University of Connecticut, our commitment to excellence is complemented by our commitment to building a culturally diverse community. This position will be filled subject to budgetary approval. All employees are subject to adherence to the State Code of Ethics, which may be found at All members of the University of Connecticut are expected to exhibit appreciation of, and contribute to, an inclusive, respectful, and diverse environment for the University community. The University of Connecticut aspires to create a community built on collaboration and belonging and has actively sought to create an inclusive culture within the workforce. The success of the University is dependent on the willingness of our diverse employee and student populations to share their rich perspectives and backgrounds in a respectful manner. This makes it essential for each member of our community to feel secure and welcomed and to thoroughly understand and believe that their ideas are respected by all. We strongly respect each individual employee’s unique experiences and perspectives and encourage all members of the community to do the same. All applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. The University of Connecticut is an AA/EEO Employer.

Advertised: Eastern Standard Time Applications close: Eastern Daylight Time

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Visiting Instructor Of Law, Stuart F. Smith Teaching Fellowship Search #: 498235 Work type: Full-time Location: Law School Categories: Faculty Temporary INTRODUCTION The University of Connecticut ...View more

Unleash Your Potential With Us

As a next-generation public research institution, we are an inclusive community of thinkers, doers, creators, innovators, healers, and leaders striving to shape the future and solve the world’s most challenging problems. No matter what your role is, when you join Knight Nation, you become an integral part of our mission to become a university for the future. You’ll be met with opportunities to connect and collaborate with uniquely talented faculty, staff, and students across 13 colleges and multiple campuses and regional locations. That means greater challenges to tackle, more meaningful opportunities to grow, and rewarding experiences that go beyond a paycheck.

The Opportunity

The Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities in the College of Community Innovation and Education at the University of Central Florida invites applicants for a 12-month, non-tenure track research associate and technical assistance coordinator position. This is an in-person position.

Primary duties will include working closely with center staff to assist with facilitation and coordination of professional development activities and presentations related to Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition program strategic planning, application, and grant processes. Additionally, this position will assist with outreach efforts with a specific focus on dissemination of evidenced-based and promising practices that promote success for students with intellectual disabilities in postsecondary education. These activities will include researching, writing, editing, and proofing publications.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in related field from an accredited institution.
  • Experience working with youth and young adults with disabilities in secondary and/or post-secondary settings.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience working with young adults with intellectual disabilities in inclusive postsecondary education programs.
  • Experience with designing and facilitating planning and implementation of program development and improvement activities in a range of educational settings.

Additional Application Materials Required:

UCF requires all applications and supporting documents be submitted electronically through the Human Resources employment opportunities website, In addition to the online application, interested candidates should upload a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, and a list with contact information for three (3) professional references.

The selected candidate will be required to submit official transcripts (and, as applicable, U.S. degree equivalency evaluations) documenting the conferral of their qualifying academic credentials.

NOTE: Please have all documents ready when applying so they can be simultaneously uploaded. Once the online submission process is finalized, the system does not allow applicants to submit additional documents later.

Questions regarding this search should be directed to: Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Executive Director and Professor Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities (FCSUA), at 407-823-2848 (FCSUA office).

Special Instructions to the Applicants:


Job Close Date:

Open Until Filled

Note to applicants: Please keep in mind that a job posted as ‘Open until filled’ may close at any time without notice. As such, we encourage you to submit your application and all required documentation as quickly as possible to ensure consideration for the posted position.

Are Benefits Important to You?

Working at UCF has its perks!  In addition to helping drive change and having a positive impact by supporting our students, staff, and faculty, UCF offers:

  • Benefit packages including medical, dental, vision, life insurance, healthcare flexible spending accounts, and an Employee Assistance Program.
  • Paid time off, including annual leave (12-month faculty) and sick leave and paid holidays.
  • Retirement savings options.
  • Employee discounts, including tickets to many Orlando area attractions.
  • Education assistance.
  • Flexible work environment.

And more…For more benefits information, go to ‘Prospective Employees’ on the UCF Human Resources website (

Who Are We?

Founded in 1963 to fuel the region’s talent pipeline and support the growing U.S. space program, UCF is built to make a better future for our students and society. It’s one of the reasons U.S. News & World Report ranks UCF among the nation’s top 20 most innovative colleges, while Forbes, Kiplinger, and The Princeton Review rank us a best-value university. UCF is one of 14 universities nationwide designated as both a Hispanic-Serving Institution and a Research 1 university. With 13 colleges, including a fully accredited College of Medicine, UCF offers more than 240 degree programs between its main campus, downtown campus, hospitality campus, academic health sciences campus, and 11 UCF Connect centers located throughout the region. In addition, UCF extends its reach to communities in and beyond Central Florida by offering complete online programs leading to bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, Ph.D.'s., certificates, and more.

The University of Central Florida is proud to be a smoke-free campus and an E-Verify employer. Unless explicitly stated on the job posting, it is UCF’s expectation that an employee of UCF will reside in Florida as of the date the employment begins.

Additional Requirements related to Research Positions

Pursuant to Florida State Statute 1010.35, prior to offering employment to certain individuals in research-related positions, UCF is required to conduct additional screening. Applicants subject to additional screening include any citizen of a foreign country who is not a permanent resident of the U.S., or who is a citizen or permanent resident but is affiliated with or has had at least 1 year of higher education, employment, or training in China, Cuba, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, or Venezuela.

The additional screening requirements only apply to employment in research-related positions, including, but not limited to faculty positions (including employed visiting positions), graduate positions, individuals compensated by research grants or contract funds, postdoctoral scholar positions, and undergraduate positions.


College of Community Innovation and Education (CCIE) - Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities - Operations

Work Schedule


Type of Appointment


Expected Salary


Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Unleash Your Potential With Us As a next-generation public research institution, we are an inclusive community of thinkers, doers, creators, innovators, healers, and leaders striving to shape the futu...View more

Analytics and Integrated Planning:

The Analytics and Integrated Planning (AIP) division brings expertise in strategic planning, advanced analysis, reporting and institutional research. Its explicit mission is to leverage leveraging institutional data with enhanced analytics, thereby empowering robust decision-making across the institution. AIP includes enterprise analytics, data strategy, data governance, data literacy, workday reporting, and institutional research.

The Opportunity:

Analytics and Integrated Planning (AIP) is seeking a dynamic and experienced professional to join our team as the Assistant Vice President, Enterprise Analytics. The Assistant Vice President leads and oversees the daily operations and functions of the AIP division, to include the units of Enterprise Analytics, Data Governance, and Workday Reporting. This position will lead a vibrant technical team of managers, analysts, data architects, and data scientists.

Reporting directly to the Chief Analytics Officer, this position will collaborate within the division and across the university to develop informed analytics ensuring evidence-based decision-making.


  • Oversees and directs the daily operations and functions of Enterprise Analytics, Data Governance, and Workday Reporting (within the Division of Analytics and Integrated Planning (AIP)). Provides direct leadership for 3 technical managers (Enterprise Analytics Manager, Enterprise Data & BI Architecture Manager, Data Governance Manager) and 2 Workday report writers, with general supervision of an overall team of 17.
  • Collaborates with AIP personnel (the Director of Enterprise Data Strategy and Business Data Analysts) to ensure the university data warehouse (DARE) and data literacy programming lead to a holistic data culture at UCF.
  • Serves as the Workday Reporting Technical Lead overseeing policies, security, standardizations, and communities of practice in support of HR, Finance, and Research reporting needs. Collaborates with UCF IT Workday Enterprise Services in support of this function.
  • Engages with university personnel to meet data needs - directing/overseeing development of new or customized processes, dashboards or reports to facilitate evidence-based decision-making across campus. Serves on university committees or workgroups where AIP representation is appropriate. Develops and administers policies and procedures guided by and in support of the University and Division strategic plans.
  • Serves as the SUS Institutional Data Administrator (Florida Board of Governors designation) directing the authorization, development, and release of university data to the Board of Governors. Backup is the Associate Director for Institutional Research (within AIP).
  • Serves as the Deputy Chief Analytics Officer in his/her absence. Other duties as assigned.

Minimum Qualifications

Bachelor's or Master's degree and 10+ years of relevant experience including 5+ years of leadership experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience pursuant to Fla. Stat. 112.219. Click here for more information

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Doctorate in a related field.
  • Proven experience in leadership roles, ideally in a higher education setting.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration abilities.
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct and lead technical initiatives such as analytics, data governance, data visualization, and data literacy.
  • Strong strategic planning and tactical process development skills.
  • Demonstrated ability in data storytelling presentations.

Additional Application Materials Required: 

For full consideration, candidates must submit a resume and a letter of intent detailing your qualifications as they relate to this position. Please include your most up to date resume that includes your entire work history, including dates (month and year) of service.

Special Instructions to the Applicants: 

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For full consideration, please submit your application with all materials by March 22, 2024.

Are you ready to unleash YOUR potential?  

As a next-generation public research university and Forbes-ranked top employer in Florida, we are a community of thinkers, doers, creators, innovators, healers, and leaders striving to create broader prosperity and help shape a better future. No matter what your role is, when you join Knight Nation, you’ll play an integral role at one of the most impactful universities in the country. You’ll be met with opportunities to connect and collaborate with talented faculty, staff, and students across 13 colleges and multiple campuses, engaging in impactful work that makes a positive difference. Your time at UCF will provide you with many meaningful opportunities to grow, you’ll work alongside talented colleagues on complex projects that will challenge you and help you gain new skills and you’ll have countless rewarding experiences that go well beyond a paycheck.

Working at UCF has its perks!  UCF offers: 

  • Benefit packages, including Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Flexible Spending, and Employee Assistance Program
  • Paid time off, including annual and sick time off and paid holidays
  • Retirement savings options
  • Employee discounts, including tickets to many Orlando attractions
  • Education assistance
  • Flexible work environment
  • And more…For more benefits information, view the UCF Employee Benefits Guide click here.

Unless explicitly stated on the job posting, it is UCF’s expectation that an employee of UCF will reside in Florida as of the date the employment begins.




Analytics & Integrated Planning

Work Schedule

Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Hybrid work options available as per UCF policy and with supervisory approval.

Type of Appointment


Expected Salary

$122,980.00 to Negotiable

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Analytics and Integrated Planning: The Analytics and Integrated Planning (AIP) division brings expertise in strategic planning, advanced analysis, reporting and institutional research. Its explicit mi...View more

The Opportunity

The University of Central Florida (UCF) College of Medicine (COM) is seeking an Infectious Disease/Medical Microbiology Medical Educator with expertise in teaching in an M.D. curriculum as a full-time assistant professor of medicine or associate professor of medicine in the Department of Medical Education. The successful candidate will have experience teaching infectious disease or medical microbiology content and working within a medical school multidisciplinary team to design and deliver a foundational sciences curriculum that integrates biomedical science and clinical concepts throughout all four years. Faculty responsibilities will include the development of discipline-related assessments. Given our integrated M.D. curriculum, prior experience teaching other basic science disciplines is also desired. The ideal candidates will possess a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and experience in curricular design and interactive teaching modalities (e.g., case-based and team-based learning).  Additionally, faculty will be expected to participate in scholarly activity, preferably in the Medical Education field. While medical education will be the priority for this position, applicants who are licensed M.D.'s will have opportunities for clinical practice with a clinical partner.  Our partners include The VA Medical Center, Nemours Children's Health, and the UCF Lake Nona Medical Center.  The position may be tenure-track (tenure-earning assistant professor of medicine or tenured associate professor of medicine) or non-tenure-earning with academic rank commensurate with experience.

Minimum Qualifications:

Candidates must hold an M.D./D.O. or Ph.D. in biomedical science from an accredited institution. Prior experience teaching infectious disease or medical microbiology content is required.

The candidate's scholarly background and experience must be commensurate with the faculty rank for which the application is submitted.

To be eligible for appointment as a tenured associate professor of medicine upon hire, the selected candidate must have a demonstrated teaching, research, and service record commensurate with a tenured faculty appointment at the associate professor of medicine rank.

Preferred Qualifications:

It is preferred that the candidate have at least two years of experience teaching infectious disease or medical microbiology content to medical students at an LCME-accredited medical school. Preferred candidates will demonstrate a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and experience with varied formats, including case-based instruction, large- and small-group discussion, demonstration, simulation, and team-based learning. Candidates with proven accomplishments in medical education research and scholarly activity are encouraged to apply.

Additional Application Materials Required:

UCF requires all applications and supporting documents be submitted electronically through the Human Resources employment opportunities website,  In addition to the online application, interested candidates should upload a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, and a list with contact information for three (3) professional references.

NOTE: Please have all documents ready when applying so they can be simultaneously uploaded. Once the online submission process is finalized, the system does not allow applicants to submit additional documents later.

The selected applicant will be required to provide official transcripts (and, as applicable, U.S. degree equivalency evaluations) documenting the conferral of their qualifying academic credentials.

Questions regarding this search may be directed to:  Brittany Hofmann at

Special Instructions to the Applicants:


Job Close Date:

Open until filled.

Note to applicants: Please keep in mind that a job posted as ‘Open until filled’ may close at any time without notice. As such, we encourage you to submit your application and all required documentation as quickly as possible to ensure consideration for the posted position.

Are you ready to unleash YOUR potential?

As a next-generation public research university and Forbes-ranked top employer in Florida, we are a community of thinkers, doers, creators, innovators, healers, and leaders striving to create broader prosperity and help shape a better future. No matter what your role is, when you join Knight Nation, you’ll play an integral role at one of the most impactful universities in the country. You’ll be met with opportunities to connect and collaborate with talented faculty, staff, and students across 13 colleges and multiple campuses, engaging in impactful work that makes a positive difference. Your time at UCF will provide you with many meaningful opportunities to grow, you’ll work alongside talented colleagues on complex projects that will challenge you and help you gain new skills and you’ll have countless rewarding experiences that go well beyond a paycheck.

Working at UCF has its perks! UCF offers:

  • Benefit packages, including Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Flexible Spending, and Employee Assistance Program.
  • Paid time off, including annual (12-month faculty) and sick time off and paid holidays.
  • Retirement savings options.
  • Employee discounts, including tickets to many Orlando attractions.
  • Education assistance.
  • Flexible work environment.
  • And more…For more benefits information, view the UCF Employee Benefits Guide click here.

Unless explicitly stated on the job posting, it is UCF’s expectation that an employee of UCF will reside in Florida as of the date the employment begins.

Additional Requirements related to Research Positions:

Pursuant to Florida State Statute 1010.35, prior to offering employment to certain individuals in research-related positions, UCF is required to conduct additional screening. Applicants subject to additional screening include any citizen of a foreign country who is not a permanent resident of the U.S., or who is a citizen or permanent resident but is affiliated with or has had at least 1 year of education, employment, or training in China, Cuba, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, or Venezuela.

The additional screening requirements only apply to research-related positions, including, but not limited to faculty, graduate positions, individuals compensated by research grants or contract funds, post-doctoral positions, undergraduate positions, visiting assistant professors, and visiting research associates.


College of Medicine (COM) - Medical Education Department

Work Schedule


Type of Appointment


Expected Salary


Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

The Opportunity The University of Central Florida (UCF) College of Medicine (COM) is seeking an Infectious Disease/Medical Microbiology Medical Educator with expertise in teaching in an M.D. curriculu...View more

College of Engineering and Computer Science:

The UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science is among the nation's largest producers of engineering and technology workforce talent and we are the No. 1 provider of graduates to the defense and aerospace industries. We have more than 40 degree and certificate programs within the college and are continuing to grow. Our students, faculty, and alumni address society's greatest challenges and aspirations in aerospace, computing, energy, the environment, healthcare, transportation, and more. Our education and research efforts are supported by a strong neighboring industry presence such as L3Harris Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Duke Energy, Siemens, Walt Disney World, and NASA, to name a few.

The Opportunity:

A position for a postdoctoral researcher is available in Urban Networks, Mobility, and Dynamics Lab led by Dr. Samiul Hasan of the University of Central Florida. The primary research areas of the position are advanced traffic management, traffic prediction, traffic incident management, and infrastructure resilience. Candidates with research experience of applying machine learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI) methods in one of these areas are highly encouraged to apply. The postdoc will be actively involved in projects to develop AI/ML based algorithms for traffic prediction and resilience analytics. The duties of the position include conducting original research, managing projects, mentoring students, writing journal articles, presenting research findings, assisting in writing research proposals and project reports, and other tasks as needed. Initial appointment will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal.

Minimum Qualifications:

Ph.D. in Civil Engineering/Computer Science/Data Science/Operations Research

Preferred Qualifications:

The ideal candidate should have a Ph.D. in transportation engineering or a closely related field such as machine learning, computer science, operations research, or data science, with research experience in transportation. The candidate should be proficient with Python programming and have excellent English communication and writing skills.

Additional Application Materials Required:

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, the contact information of two references, and 1-2 sample papers to Dr. Samiul Hasan ( The review of applications will begin immediately. Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. For any question, please feel free to contact Dr. Samiul Hasan.

Are you ready to unleash YOUR potential?

As a next-generation public research university and Forbes-ranked top employer in Florida, we are a community of thinkers, doers, creators, innovators, healers, and leaders striving to create broader prosperity and help shape a better future. No matter what your role is, when you join Knight Nation, you’ll play an integral role at one of the most impactful universities in the country. You’ll be met with opportunities to connect and collaborate with talented faculty, staff, and students across 13 colleges and multiple campuses, engaging in impactful work that makes a positive difference. Your time at UCF will provide you with many meaningful opportunities to grow, you’ll work alongside talented colleagues on complex projects that will challenge you and help you gain new skills and you’ll have countless rewarding experiences that go well beyond a paycheck.

Are Benefits Important to You?

State Benefits eligibility for OPS employees are subject to criteria established by the State of Florida. The state’s benefits administrator, People First, determines eligibility and coordinates enrollment. If this position becomes eligible for state benefits the employee will be notified directly by People First.  OPS positions are not entitled to paid time off.

Unless explicitly stated on the job posting, it is UCF’s expectation that an employee of UCF will reside in Florida as of the date the employment begins.

Additional Requirements related to Research Positions:

Pursuant to Florida State Statute 1010.35, prior to offering employment to certain individuals in research-related positions, UCF is required to conduct additional screening. Applicants subject to additional screening include any citizen of a foreign country who is not a permanent resident of the U.S., or who is a citizen or permanent resident but is affiliated with or has had at least 1 year of education, employment, or training in China, Cuba, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, or Venezuela.

The additional screening requirements only apply to research-related positions, including, but not limited to faculty, graduate positions, individuals compensated by research grants or contract funds, post-doctoral positions, undergraduate positions, visiting assistant professors, and visiting research associates.


College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) - Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering - Operations

Work Schedule

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Type of Appointment

Fixed Term (Fixed Term)

Expected Salary


Equal Employment Opportunity Statement:

The University of Central Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer including Disabled/Vets.  Click on UCF's Equal Opportunity Statement to view the President’s Statement.

The UCF affirmative action plans for qualified individuals with disabilities and protected Veterans are available for inspection in the Office of Institutional Equity, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., upon request.

As a Florida public university, UCF makes all application materials and selection procedures available to the public upon request.

The University of Central Florida is proud to be a smoke-free campus and an E-Verify employer.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral

College of Engineering and Computer Science: The UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science is among the nation’s largest producers of engineering and technology workforce talent and we are...View more

When the work you do every single day has a crucial impact on the lives of others, every effort, every detail, and every second matters. This shared culture of happiness, passion, and dedication pulses through Cedars-Sinai, and it’s just one of the many reasons why we rank as one of the top hospitals in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.

When you join Cedars-Sinai, you become part of a team that is at the forefront of medical advancements. Working alongside physician-scientists and researchers, you will be a part of life-saving medical and scientific breakthroughs

Are you ready to be a part of breakthrough research?

Working independently but in close cooperation and in consultation with the Principal Investigator and other Research Scientist, the Research Fellow will perform routine and complex laboratory procedures throughout training period. Analyzes and interprets data. May assist in preparation of grant proposals. Participates in publications and presentations as author or co-author. Not responsible for generating grant funds.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

  • May assist in preparation of grant proposals, but is not responsible for generating grant funds.
  • May participate in publications and presentations as author or co-author.
  • Designs and performs experiments. Will keep appropriate experimental records and documentation and analyze the results with the Principal Investigator.
  • May develop, adapt, and implement new research techniques and protocols.
  • Analyzes, interprets, summarizes and compiles data.
  • Operates and maintains equipment and instruments.

Doctorate (MD, PhD, VMD, or DDS) in area directly related to field of research specialization.


No license or certification required


Interest or experience with genitourinary cancers including urinary bladder cancer preferred.

Experience: Works independently on research projects designed by a mentor (typically the PI) within area of specialization. Acquires thorough technical and theoretical knowledge of research project and objectives during one to five (1-5) year post-doctoral appointment. Demonstrated aptitude to perform experimental protocols and procedures, including detailed data collection, and analysis and operation and maintenance of specialized equipment. Knowledge of safety standards and maintenance of specialized equipment.

Physical Demands:

Lab Environment. Able to perform moderate lifting. Able to sit, stand and walk for prolonged periods of time. Able to read papers and online documents. Able to operate standard office equipment. Able to exercise physical ability and perspective acuity to satisfactorily perform essential job functions.

Req ID

: 974

Working Title

: Postdoctoral Scientist - Urology


: Urology

Business Entity

: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Job Category

: Academic / Research

Job Specialty

: Postdoctoral Scholar

Overtime Status


Primary Shift

: Day

Shift Duration

: 8 hour

Base Pay

: $66,560 - $93,600

Cedars-Sinai is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.

Cedars-Sinai does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of the race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, ancestry, physical or mental disability, legally protected medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics or any genetic information), marital status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, age (40 or older), military and/or veteran status or any other basis protected by federal or state law. If you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the employment process, please contact us by email at and let us know the nature of your request and your contact information. Requests for accommodation will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please note that only inquiries concerning a request for reasonable accommodation will be responded to from this email address.

Cedars-Sinai will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories, in accordance with the Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring.

At Cedars-Sinai, we are dedicated to the safety, health and wellbeing of our patients and employees. This includes protecting our patients from communicable diseases, such as influenza (flu) and COVID-19. For this reason, we require that all new employees receive a flu vaccine based on the seasonal availability of flu vaccine (typically during September through April each year) as a condition of employment, and annually thereafter as a condition of continued employment, subject to medical exemption or religious accommodation. For the same reason, you may also be required to receive other vaccines such as COVID-19 as a condition of employment. Cedars-Sinai reserves the right to make modifications to its required list of vaccines as required by law and/or policy. Cedars - Sinai's EEO and AA Policy Statement

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral

When the work you do every single day has a crucial impact on the lives of others, every effort, every detail, and every second matters. This shared culture of happiness, passion, and dedication pulse...View more

Postdoctoral and Associate Research Scientist Positions in Etienne Caron Lab at Department of Immunobiology, Yale School of Medicine. The Caron Lab seeks exceptional Postdoctoral and Associate Research Scientist candidates with a passion for innovation in immunotherapy and cancer vaccine research using computational proteogenomics and immunopeptidomics approaches.

The overarching goal of the Caron Lab is to develop and apply mass spectrometry-based immunopeptidomics and systems immunology approaches to understand the generation, composition and dynamics of both the self and nonself immunopeptidome, as well as its interaction with T cells, with the goal of innovating treatments and preventive strategies for a broad range of immune-related diseases.


  1. Develop and apply computational pipelines and innovative bioinformatics approaches for the discovery of novel tumor-specific antigens, PTMs, and both canonical and non-canonical actionable T cell epitopes from large immunopeptidomics datasets,
  2. Collaborate with other researchers (academic and industry).
  3. Train other lab members,
  4. Publish high impact factor publications,
  5. Present in conferences, locally, nationally and internationally,
  6. Actively contribute to the lab's activities, including preparation of manuscripts and research grants.


  1. Ph.D. in systems immunology, bioinformatics or related field,
  2. Demonstrated expertise in the integration and analysis of large multi-omics datasets (WGS, RNAseq, ribo-seq, proteomics, immunopeptidomics),
  3. Knowledge in T cell biology and neoantigen prediction using epitope prediction algorithms,
  4. Demonstrated expertise in the development of computational pipelines and databases,
  5. Strong publication track record (at least one first author paper in a high impact factor journal)
  6. Strong communication skills in English (spoken and written),
  7. Demonstrated excellence in time management and teamwork.

Opportunities and Benefits:

The selected candidates will have the opportunity to gain expertise in mass spectrometry, systems immunology, spatial immunopeptidomics, T-cell epitope discovery, immunology, and vaccine design. The selected candidates will also have the opportunity to become active players within several Yale Centers, including the Yale Center for Immuno-Oncology (YCIO), Center for Infection and Immunity (CII), and Center for Systems and Engineering and Immunology (CSEI). Strong support will be given to pursue independent directions. Compensation and benefits will be according to Yale policies.

About the Caron Lab:

Dr. Caron is an Assistant Professor at Yale University. Over the last five years, the Caron Lab has published 14 immunopeptidomics manuscripts including 10 as corresponding papers in Journal of Experimental Medicine, Cell Systems, Cancer Discovery, and other high-profile journals. Dr. Caron is co-founder and former chair (2015-2020) of the Human Immunopeptidome Project. He has a total citation of >4400 times to date and is the recipient of multiple Awards and Recognitions. Please see for more information.

If interested, please send your CV and motivation letter to

Yale University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly welcomes applications from women, persons with disabilities, protected Veterans, and underrepresented minorities

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Postdoctoral and Associate Research Scientist Positions in Etienne Caron Lab at Department of Immunobiology, Yale School of Medicine. The Caron Lab seeks exceptional Postdoctoral and Associate Resear...View more


Décernés chaque année depuis 2018, les Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards récompensent les approches et les réalisations uniques d'individus et d'organisations du monde entier. Les deux prix de 100 000 $ sont décernés dans ces catégories : innovation en recherche et innovation en engagement communautaire.

Notre période de candidature est maintenant ouverte. Les dossiers de candidature seront acceptés jusqu'à 12 h HE le 5 mars 2024. Si cette opportunité vous intéresse, veuillez consulter les instructions de nomination ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.
Téléchargez les instructions de candidature (PDF)
Announcement: Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards 2021 - Arrell Food Institute

Deux prix de 100 000 $ CA chacun sont décernés chaque année.

L'Arrell Food Institute récompense les dirigeants mondiaux qui assurent la sécurité alimentaire future de la planète et espère inspirer de nouveaux dirigeants à prendre des mesures audacieuses vers le changement. L’excellence scientifique et l’engagement communautaire sont nécessaires pour relever les défis auxquels notre monde sera confronté pour nourrir 9 milliards de personnes et au-delà.
Voir les anciens gagnants
Foire aux questions (FAQ)

Awarded annually since 2018, the Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards recognize unique approaches and achievements of individuals and organizations around the globe. The two prizes of $100,000 are awarded in these categories: research innovation and community engagement innovation. Our nomination period is now open. Nomination packages will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. ET on March 5, 2024. If you are interested in this opportunity, please review the nomination instructions below to learn more.

Download the nomination instructions (PDF)

Two prizes of $100,000 CAD each, are awarded annually.

Arrell Food Institute recognizes global leaders who are ensuring future food security for the planet, and hopes to inspire new leaders to take bold steps towards change. Scientific excellence and community engagement are necessary to overcome the challenges our world will face in feeding 9 billion people and beyond.
See past winners
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPrix, Concours et offres

Décernés chaque année depuis 2018, les Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards récompensent les approches et les réalisations uniques d’individus et d’organisations du monde entier. Les...View more



  • Date limite : Toutes les candidatures reçues avant le 29 mars 2024 seront prises en considération pour une bourse. Les candidatures reçues après cette date ne seront prises en compte pour une bourse que si des bourses sont encore disponibles. Les candidatures seront clôturées le 31 mai 2024.
  • Rentrée universitaire : septembre 2024 (date exacte à préciser).


  • Environ 20 bourses Erasmus Mundus de 1400€/mois sur 24 mois maximum sont proposées chaque année.
  • Les étudiants du monde entier , sans restriction d'origine géographique, sont invités à postuler.
  • L'attribution des bourses est toutefois soumise à la contrainte géographique suivante : pas plus de 10 % du nombre total de bourses attribuées pendant l'existence du programme de master QuanTEEM peuvent être attribuées à des candidats de même nationalité. Quelques bourses supplémentaires destinées à des régions spécifiques du monde, qui ne sont pas soumises à la règle ci-dessus, sont également disponibles.
  •  Un candidat ayant bénéficié d'une bourse Erasmus Mundus dans le passé ne peut pas bénéficier d'une bourse Erasmus Mundus pour suivre le programme de master QuanTEEM.
  • Pour postuler, les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un baccalauréat en sciences (180 ECTS) ou d'un diplôme équivalent. Cependant, une solide formation en physique est nécessaire pour être prise en compte pour l'admission. Des compétences en mathématiques et en informatique sont un plus, mais ne peuvent remplacer des connaissances approfondies en physique acquises au cours des études de premier cycle.
  • Les candidats sont tenus de mentionner clairement leur pays de résidence au moment de leur candidature. Le pays de résidence est défini au sens de résidence stable, comme par exemple le pays où le demandeur a exercé ses dernières activités d'études professionnelles ou académiques.
  • Au cours de leurs études de master, les étudiants de QuanTEEM doivent effectuer au moins deux mobilités physiques internationales (y compris la mobilité internationale entrante), par rapport à leur pays de résidence.
  • Voir le document 'Informations pour les candidats' (lien ci-dessous) pour plus de détails sur les critères d'éligibilité , les conditions de mobilité internationale , la liste des documents de candidature à préparer, la procédure de candidature en ligne et la procédure de recours .


Les candidatures se font via la plateforme en ligne 'e-candidat' (voir lien et tutoriel ci-dessous). Pour postuler au programme QuantEEM sur 2 ans, choisissez : Master UBFC – M1 STS physique fondamentale et applications parc. Quantum Technologies and Engineering – Erasmus Mundus (QuanTEEM)


Il vous sera demandé de joindre les documents suivants à votre candidature :
  •  Copie scannée de votre passeport ou de votre carte d'identité (vérifiez la date d'expiration sur votre passeport : pour un visa régulier long séjour (plus de 90 jours), la date d'expiration doit être 15 mois après le jour où vous envisagez de quitter votre pays d'origine)
  •  CV
  • Lettre de motivation
  • Copie du relevé de notes pour l'ensemble de votre diplôme et une échelle de notation
  • Copie certifiée conforme de votre(vos) diplôme(s) / certificat(s) de grade(s)
  • Copie du certificat de langue officielle attestant les compétences linguistiques en anglais
  • Autre document que vous jugez pertinent pour valoriser votre candidature.
Tous les documents de candidature doivent être traduits en français ou en anglais. Les traductions des diplômes et relevés de notes officiels doivent être délivrées par votre université d'origine ou certifiées conformes par un traducteur agréé.

Plus d’informations pour les candidats : Télécharger

Link for application:

Tutoriel pour la plateforme de candidature en ligne : Télécharger

Prochaines étapes : Vous avez été accepté ? Toutes nos félicitations! Accédez dès maintenant aux informations pratiques.

Bourses : 1400€ / mois couvrant toute la durée du programme (max. 24 mois)

  • Deadline: All applications received before March 29th 2024 will be considered for a scholarship. Applications received after this date will be considered for a scholarship only if scholarships are still available. Applications will close on May 31st 2024.
  • Start of the academic year:  September 2024 (exact date to be announced).


  • Approximately 20 Erasmus Mundus scholarships of 1400€/month over a maximum of 24 months are offered each year.
  • Students from all over the world, without restriction of geographical origin, are welcome to apply.
  • Scholarship award is, however, subject to the following geographical constraint: no more than 10% of the total number of scholarships awarded during the existence of the QuanTEEM master’s programme can be awarded to candidates from the same nationality. A few additional scholarships targeted to specific regions of the world, which are not subject to the above rule, are also available.
  •  A candidate who benefited from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship in the past can not be awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to attend the QuanTEEM master’s programme.
  • To apply, candidates must hold a bachelor degree in Science (180 ECTS) or an equivalent diploma. However, a strong background in physics is necessary to be considered for admission. Skills in mathematics and computer science are a plus, but cannot replace deep knowledge in physics acquired during undergraduate studies.
  • Applicants are required to clearly mention their country of residence at the moment of application. The country of residence is defined in the sense of stable residence, such as the country where the applicant had his last professional or academic study activities.
  • During the course of their master studies, QuanTEEM students need to undergo at least two physical international mobilities (including the incoming international mobility), whith respect to their country of residence.
  • See the ‘Information for applicants’ document (link below) for more details on the eligibility criteria, the international mobility requirements, the list of application documents to prepare, the online application procedure and the appeal procedure.


Applications are done throught the ‘e-candidat’ online platform (see link and tutorial below). To apply for the 2-year QuanTEEM programme, choose: Master UBFC – M1 STS physique fondamentale et applications parc. Quantum Technologies and Engineering – Erasmus Mundus (QuanTEEM)


You will be required to attach the following documents to your application:
  •  Scanned copy of your passport or identity card (check the expiration date on your passport: for a regular long stay visa (more than 90 days), the expiration date must be 15 months after the day you plan to leave your country of origin)
  •  CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Copy of transcript of records for your whole degree and a grading scale
  • Certified copy of your diploma(s) / degree(s) certificate(s)
  • Copy of official language certificate attesting language skills in English
  • Other document you consider relevant to enhance your application.
All application documents are to be translated in French or English. Translations of official diplomas and transcripts must be issued by your home university or certified by an authorized translator.

More information for applicants: Download

Link for application:

Tutorial for the online application platform: Download

Next steps: You have been accepted? Congratulations! Access now practical information.

Scholarships: 1400€ / month covering the whole duration of the programme (max. 24 months)


Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiMaster

RENDEZ-VOUS IMPORTANTS Date limite : Toutes les candidatures reçues avant le 29 mars 2024 seront prises en considération pour une bourse. Les candidatures reçues après cette date ne seront prises...View more

Le marché du travail canadien se caractérise par une demande importante de professionnels qualifiés dans divers secteurs. L'Immigration canadienne, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) a mis en œuvre divers programmes d'immigration de visa de travail, reconnaissant les pénuries de compétences dans des domaines clés.

La facilité d'arriver au Canada pour un poste vacant en raison d'une pénurie de compétences dépend de plusieurs facteurs, notamment les compétences, les qualifications et l'expérience. Cependant, le système d'immigration du Canada est relativement simple et accueillant pour les travailleurs qualifiés du monde entier.

Des emplois tels que développeurs Web, infirmières autorisées, ingénieurs en mécanique, responsables des ressources humaines, comptables, ingénieurs biomédicaux, soudeurs, analystes de systèmes d'affaires, médecins, analystes financiers et d'investissement, développeurs Full Stack, développeurs Java, architectes logiciels, mécaniciens d'avions, électriciens industriels, Les éducateurs de la petite enfance, les ergothérapeutes et les orthophonistes sont très demandés.

Les programmes d'IRCC offrent aux personnes qualifiées une voie pour contribuer à la croissance économique du Canada tout en bénéficiant des opportunités et de la qualité de vie qu'offre le Canada. Le marché du travail canadien est diversifié et en évolution, avec une gamme de professions très demandées.

Ce guide complet explore les qualifications nécessaires pour les postes à forte demande au Canada et donne un aperçu des salaires mensuels moyens pour 2024. De plus, nous présentons des ressources précieuses pour trouver des emplois en pénurie de compétences à travers le pays.

Professions et qualifications en demande avec échelle salariale 2024 :

  1. Développeur web
    • Qualifications : Baccalauréat en informatique, programmation, développement Web ou génie logiciel.
    • Salaire moyen : 5 000 – 7 000 $ CAD par mois.
  2. Infirmière autorisée (IA)
    • Qualifications : Réussite d'un programme de soins infirmiers et certification d'un organisme de réglementation.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 000 $ CAD – 8 000 $ par mois.
  3. Ingénieur mécanique
    • Qualifications : Diplôme universitaire en génie mécanique.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 500 $ – 9 000 $ CAD par mois.
  4. responsable des ressources humaines
    • Qualifications : Baccalauréat en gestion du personnel, en administration des affaires, en relations industrielles ou en commerce.
    • Salaire moyen : 7 000 $ CAD – 10 000 $ par mois.
  5. Comptable / Teneur de livres
    • Qualifications : Diplôme universitaire et réalisation d’un programme de formation professionnelle.
    • Salaire moyen : 5 500 $ – 7 500 $ CAD par mois.
  6. Ingénieur biomédical
    • Qualifications : Baccalauréat en génie biomédical et licences.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 500 $ – 9 000 $ CAD par mois.
  7. Soudeur
    • Qualifications : Diplôme d'études secondaires et programme d'apprentissage.
    • Salaire moyen : 4 500 $ – 6 000 $ CAD par mois.
  8. Analyste des systèmes d'affaires
    • Qualifications : Baccalauréat en informatique, administration des affaires, systèmes d'information.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 000 $ CAD – 8 500 $ par mois.
  9. Médecins (médecins, chirurgiens, dentistes)
    • Qualifications : Diplôme de médecine et licence pertinente.
    • Salaire moyen : 10 000 $ CAD – 20 000 $ par mois.
  10. Analystes financiers et d'investissement
    • Qualifications : Baccalauréat en finance, en économie ou dans un domaine connexe.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 500 $ – 9 000 $ CAD par mois.
  11. Développeurs Full Stack
    • Qualifications : Baccalauréat en informatique, maîtrise de plusieurs langages de codage.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 000 $ CAD – 9 000 $ par mois.
  12. développeur Java
    • Diplômes : Baccalauréat en informatique, maîtrise de Java.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 500 $ CAD – 8 500 $ par mois.
  13. Développeur d'architecte logiciel, développeur frontend
    • Qualifications : Baccalauréat en informatique, compétences spécialisées.
    • Salaire moyen : 7 000 $ CAD – 10 000 $ par mois.
  14. Mécaniciens d'aéronefs et techniciens en avionique
    • Qualifications : Réussite d'un programme d'apprentissage ou d'un programme collégial en maintenance d'aéronefs.
    • Salaire moyen : 5 500 $ – 7 500 $ CAD par mois.
  15. Électriciens industriels
    • Qualifications : Diplôme d'études secondaires et programme d'apprentissage.
    • Salaire moyen : 5 000 – 7 000 $ CAD par mois.
  16. Éducateurs et assistants de la petite enfance
    • Qualifications : Diplôme ou grade en éducation de la petite enfance.
    • Salaire moyen : 3 500 $ CAD – 5 000 $ par mois.
  17. Ergothérapeutes et physiothérapeutes
    • Qualifications : Diplôme universitaire et licence.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 000 $ CAD – 8 000 $ par mois.
  18. Orthophonistes et audiologistes
    • Diplômes : Master et certification.
    • Salaire moyen : 6 500 $ CAD – 8 500 $ par mois.

Trouver des emplois en pénurie de compétences au Canada 2024

La liste suivante est un bon point de départ pour trouver des emplois en pénurie de compétences au Canada en 2024 :

  • Guichet emplois du gouvernement du Canada : Une vaste base de données d'emplois à travers le Canada, y compris les opportunités gouvernementales. Visitez le site .
  • Classification nationale des professions (CNP) : Offre des informations détaillées sur diverses professions au Canada, aidant ainsi à identifier les domaines de pénurie de compétences. Vérifiez-le .
  • Portails d'emploi provinciaux canadiens :


Le marché du travail canadien offre diverses opportunités aux professionnels qualifiés. Bien que les qualifications pour ces rôles soient spécifiques, les gains potentiels reflètent le niveau d'expertise requis. Un développement professionnel continu et une mise à jour des tendances du secteur sont essentiels pour réussir dans ces carrières.

Que vous soyez développeur Web, infirmier, ingénieur ou toute autre profession très en demande, le système d'immigration accueillant du Canada offre aux personnes qualifiées une voie permettant de contribuer à la croissance économique du pays et de profiter d'une qualité de vie élevée.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiLa main d'oeuvre

Le marché du travail canadien se caractérise par une demande importante de professionnels qualifiés dans divers secteurs. L’Immigration canadienne, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) a...View more

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas invites applications forAssistant Professor-in-Residence/Associate Director of Composition, College of Liberal Arts [R0135460]


The successful applicant will join a growing Composition Program that serves approximately 9,000 students a year at the most diverse institution in the U.S. The Associate Director of Composition will collaborate with other administrators on program curriculum, personnel management, professional development, assessment, program research initiatives, and program operations. The Associate Director will coordinate the online composition courses including developing curriculum, creating instructional resources, facilitating professional development, and assessing online courses. The Associate Director will teach one online or hybrid composition course a semester and assist with the writing pedagogy and practicum course for new graduate teaching assistants every fall. The successful applicant will engage in continued professional development and research related to writing program administration, online education, and digital media studies.


This position requires an MFA in Creative Writing or PhD in English, Rhetoric and Composition, Technical or Professional Communication, or other related field from an accredited college or university as recognized by the United States Department of Education and/or the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and at least 4 years of experience teaching writing in higher education; at least 2 years of online teaching experience.


A PhD in Rhetoric and Composition or Technical or Professional Communication is preferred. Knowledge of anti-racist, equitable, and inclusive pedagogical and assessment practices is preferred. Previous experience teaching synchronous online or hybrid courses and administering writing programs is preferred.


The successful candidate will demonstrate support for diversity, equity and inclusiveness as well as participate in maintaining a respectful, positive work environment.


Salary competitive with those at similarly situated institutions, contingent upon funding.


  • Competitive total rewards package including:
    • Paid time off, sick leave, and holidays
    • Excellent health insurance including medical, dental and vision
    • Comprehensive retirement plans and voluntary benefits programs
  • No state income tax
  • Tuition discounts at Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) schools
  • Tuition discounts for spouses, domestic partners, and dependents


  • Employee recognition and appreciation programs
  • Connect with colleagues with shared interests
  • Personal and professional development opportunities
  • UNLV athletics ticket discounts
  • Statewide employee purchase program discounts
  • RebelCard discounts on and off campus
  • Wellness programming for all UNLV faculty and staff at no cost
  • Opportunity for career advancements to leadership roles


Submit a letter of interest, a detailed resume listing qualifications and experience, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional references who may be contacted. References will not be contacted until the search chair notifies you in advance.

Applicants should fully describe their qualifications and experience, with specific reference to each of the minimum and preferred qualifications because this is the information on which the initial review of materials will be based.

Although this position will remain open until filled, review of candidates' materials will begin on March 8, 2024.

Materials should be addressed to Dr. Stacy Wittstock and Elaine Bunker, Co-Chairs of the Search Committee, and must be submitted through Workday, as we do not accept emailed materials. For assistance with the application process, please contact UNLV Human Resources at (702) 895-3504 or .


UNLV employees or employees within the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) MUST use the "Find Jobs" process within Workday to find and apply for jobs at UNLV and other NSHE Institutions. Once you log into Workday, type "Find Jobs" in the search box which will navigate to the internal job posting site. Locate this specific job posting by typing the job requisition number, R0135460 in the search box.

If you complete an application outside of the internal application process, your application will be returned and you will have to reapply as an internal applicant which may delay your application.


Founded in 1957, UNLV is a doctoral-degree-granting institution of approximately 30,000 students and more than 3,600 faculty and staff. To date, UNLV has conferred more than 152,000 degrees, producing more than 130,000 alumni around the world. UNLV is classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as an R1 research university with very high research activity. The university is committed to recruiting and retaining top students and faculty, educating the region's diversifying population and workforce, driving economic activity through increased research and community partnerships, and creating an academic health center for Southern Nevada that includes the launch of a new UNLV School of Medicine. UNLV is located on a 332-acre main campus and two satellite campuses in Southern Nevada.

Here at UNLV, we have come together and created one of the most affirmative and dynamic academic environments in the country. UNLV sits in the top spot in U.S. News & World Report's annual listing of the nation's most diverse universities for undergraduates. The university has ranked in the top ten since the rankings debuted more than a decade ago. We continue to show our commitment to serving our wonderfully diverse population and building the future for Las Vegas and Nevada.

For more information, visit us online at: .


The University of Nevada - Las Vegas (UNLV) is committed to providing a place of work and learning free of discrimination on the basis of a person's age (40 or older), disability, whether actual or perceived by others (including service-connected disabilities), gender (including pregnancy related conditions), military status or military obligations, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national origin, race (including hair texture and protected hairstyles such as natural hairstyles, afros, bantu knots, curls, braids, locks and twists), color, or religion (protected classes). Discrimination on the basis of a protected class, including unlawful harassment, which is a form of discrimination, is illegal under federal and state law. Where unlawful discrimination is found to have occurred, UNLV will act to stop the unlawful discrimination, to prevent its recurrence, to remedy its effects, and to discipline those responsible.


The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that it operates. Non-discrimination on the basis of sex is mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq.) and the corresponding implementation regulations (34 C.F.R. Part 106). The University's commitment to nondiscrimination in its education programs and activities extends to applicants for admission and employment. Inquiries concerning the application of these provisions may be referred to: Michelle Sposito, J.D., Title IX Coordinator, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451062, Las Vegas, NV 89154-1062, Frank and Estella Beam Hall (BEH) Room 553, Telephone: (702) 895-4055; Email: , or to The Assistant Secretary of the United States Department of Education, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-1100; Telephone: 1-800-421-3481 FAX: 202-453-6012; TDD: 1-800-877-8339; Email: ; or to both.

Information pertaining to the University's grievance procedures and grievance process, including how to report or file a complaint of sex discrimination, how to report or file a formal complaint of sexual harassment, and how the University will respond can be found online at the Office of Equal Employment & Title IX webpage.


UNLV is committed to assisting all members of the UNLV community in providing for their own safety and security. The Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report compliance document is available online.


Administrative Faculty

Required Attachment(s)

Submit a letter of interest, detailed resume listing qualifications and experience, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional references who may be contacted. References will not be contacted until the search chair notifies you in advance.

UNLV is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action educator and employer committed to achieving excellence through diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to, among other things, race, color, religion, sex, age, creed, national origin, veteran status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, or any other factor protected by anti-discrimination laws. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas employs only United States citizens and non-citizens lawfully authorized to work in the United States. Women, under-represented groups, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas invites applications forAssistant Professor-in-Residence/Associate Director of Composition, College of Liberal Arts [R0135460] ROLE of the POSITION The successful a...View more