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Planning de rattrapage L3 Biochimie

Planning de rattrapage L3 Biochimie   [embeddoc url= » » download= »all » viewer= »google »]

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M1 Biochimie : affichage Enzymes en technologie alimentaire

M1 Biochimie : affichage Enzymes en technologie alimentaire [pdfjs-viewer url= » » viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

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Ingénieur ou similaire – Analyse des menaces et prévention des risques dans les infrastructures complexes

Work group: Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures Area of research: Scientific / postdoctoral posts Job description: The Department for Resilience of Maritime Systems develops methods to assess the security and protection status of maritime infrastructures, such as offshore facilities, ports or ships. Based on this, new concepts for …

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