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Recruitment of Directors/Principal Investigators and Tenure-track assistant professor at Institute of Chemical Biology, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Shenzhen, China

SZBL strives to become a hub for world-class research at the forefront of health science and innovation. Within this institute, the Division of Translational Research will consist of preclinical drug discovery and early drug development expertise and capabilities for small molecules, peptides/proteins and antibodies. Our state of the art facilities will …

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Associate Professor in Biological Chemistry/Cell Biology

University of Stavanger is looking for an Associate Professor in Biological Chemistry/Cell Biology at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering. The strategic research area for our Department is One Health, encompassing human, animal, plant, and environmental health. We are looking for a candidate …

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L1 : Affichage des notes d’examen de Chimie II

L2 : Affichage des notes d’examen de Chimie II Section 1 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”google”] Section 2 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”google”]

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