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Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships

The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships are being offered to PhD students from around the world, who are completing the writing of their dissertations in the fields of violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, or related fields. This fellowship …

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Researchers have found a natural way to avoid type 2 diabetes

Before type 2 diabetes, there is prediabetes. Researchers believe they’ve found a natural way to keep blood sugar levels under control so that you don’t go on to type 2 diabetes. Find out what it is. 5 million French people suffer from type 2 diabetes. This disease is characterized by an excessively …

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Postdoc Fellow of Bioinformatics and Cancer Data Sciences

Job description: Postdoctoral researcher positions of Bioinformatics and Cancer Data Sciences are available in the laboratory of Peng Jiang at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). The overarching goal of Jiang Lab is to understand the process of cancer immune evasion and therapy resistance through large-scale …

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