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DIAS Assistant Professor in Marine Science

The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) seeks an outstanding candidate to fill a position at the assistant professor level in Marine Science in the fields of Marine Biogeochemistry, Microbial Ecology and/or Microbial Technology at the Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark. The position starts by 1 January 2021 …

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A postdoc position is available in the Data-Intensive Systems group

A postdoc position is available in the Data-Intensive Systems group, Department of Computer Science ( ) at Aarhus University. The position is part of the project “Effective, efficient and robust clustering models for molecular dynamics simulations” funded by Villum Fonden Denmark ( ). The project brings together researchers …

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15 PhD students in quantum-dot based quantum technology

The Marie Curie Innovative Training Network QUDOT–TECH offers 15 Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) interdisciplinary, intersectoral and international training in the frame of 15 PhD scholarships. The overall research topic is quantum dot-based quantum technologies. The consortium consists of 11 Beneficiaries in 5 European countries hosting ESRs and 12 Partner Organisations hosting …

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