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HUAWEI Visionary Art Competition

About the competition We honor fascinating designers and artists from around the world. In four years, tens of thousands of the world’s most talented designers, animators and creators have accepted our challenge. The theme of the 2020 competition is “Visionary art”. Our goal is to bring together the greatest creative minds in …

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Annual photography competition, “Young weather photographer of the year 2020

Now in its fifth year,  the Royal Meteorological Society  (RMetS) invites photographers of all ages and abilities to participate in its annual photography competition,  “Weather Photographer of the Year 2020”  and  “Young Weather Photographer of the Year 2020 ”  in association with  AccuWeather  , a leading global weather and digital media company. This popular competition attracts entries from around …

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Trump threatens to close facebook and twitter

Twitter, Facebook…: Donald Trump threatens to “close” social networks after reporting his tweets. “Republicans believe that social media platforms completely censor the voices of conservatives. We are going to severely regulate them, or shut them down, so as not to allow that to happen, ”tweeted Donald Trump. Frequently accused of laxity …

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