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Postdoctoral Fellow In Nutrition And Public Health

At the University of Agder, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, a year-long position is available as a 100% postdoctoral position in nutrition and public health, affiliated with the Department of Nutrition and Public Health, for a period of 3 years. The workplace is currently Campus Kristiansand. Accession by agreement …

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Doctoral Fellow In Health Sciences

At the University of Agder, there is a vacancy of 100% as a doctoral fellow in health sciences for a period of three years, possibly four years with 25% duty work. The position is affiliated with the Department of Health and Nursing Science, Center for e-Health. The workplace is Campus …

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Professor / Lecturer In Psychosocial Health

At the University of Agder, one to two permanent 100% vacancies are available as professor / lecturer. The position is linked to the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, Department of Psychosocial Health. The main workplace is currently Grimstad. Accession by appointment. The faculty has four institutes; Department of Health …

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