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Professor for the following field: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Teaching and research at a dynamic institution of higher education! We are looking for persons, who would like to apply their extensive experience in their professional position in teaching and research at our institution of higher education based on an above-average doctorate (or similar proof of qualification in the field …

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Harvard Online Course

Of free online courses at the  University  Harvard  are available in many areas. These courses are called  MOOC  (Massive Open Online Courses). Anyone from around the world can access these  best online courses  , register and learn from the best teachers in the world. Free online course at Harvard University: Founded in 1636,  Harvard University  is one of the best and oldest …

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Assistant(e) administratif(ve) et commercial(e) – Agent de droit local

Lieu, service Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Pôle Éditorial. Statut, service Type de contrat: CDD annuel de droit égyptien, renouvelable; Date d’embauche: 15 mars 2020; Horaires du bureau: de 8h à 16h (une heure de pause méridienne incluse, avec disponibilité à travailler au delà des horaires et pendant les jours fériés et …

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