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Assistant Professor (PL: adiunkt) position

Assistant Professor (PL adiunkt) position, specialization: Algebra and related fields ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Selection process Application deadline: March 16th, 2020 The applications will be evaluated by the selection committee appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland. A candidate may be invited to …

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Working at IMT Atlantique 2020 Recruitment Campaign

You will find below the list of positions to be filled as part of the recruitment campaign for teacher-researchers. Detailed job offers will be published from 22 January. (currently being updated) Texte Job title Départment Deadline for receipt of applications Date of interviews Application form & registration conditions Associate Professor in …

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vacancy for a PhD Candidate at Department of Marine Technology

About the position We have a vacancy for a PhD Candidate at Department of Marine Technology. We have a vacancy at “Marine Dynamics and Vibration Lab” (MD Lab) at NTNU for the HealthProp project, funded by ERA-NET Cofund scheme of Horizon 2020 of the European Commission and Norwegian Research Council. The …

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