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St. Petersburg State University and Freie Universität Berlin – Joint Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program

Within the framework of their strategic partnership, St. Petersburg State University and Freie Universität Berlin have established a Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Annually, two Joint Post-Doctoral Fellowships are offered for highly qualified, early career post-doctoral researchers. Each fellowship is awarded for 24 months. The first fellowships will be awarded starting on …

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Khalifa University of Science and Technology Graduate Scholarships

The KU MED scholarship program supports students who have chosen to pursue a career that will have a positive impact on people’s lives. This program offers scholarships to all students to support graduate studies in medicine. The team informs you that students who receive a MED scholarship from Khalifa University (KU) will …

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Shanghai Government Scholarship for Foreign Students

In order to become a pole of scientific and technological innovation on a global scale, to further promote cooperation and exchanges between local universities with overseas establishments, to attract talented students and researchers from around the world The entire Shanghai municipal government launched in 2006 the “Shanghai Government Scholarship for Foreign Students” …

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