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Investigators’ Grand Prize: call for manuscripts

Editions Robert Laffont, Le Figaro Magazine and Agence universitaire de la Francophonie rely on your writing skills! Are you the author of a first detective novel, thriller or noir novel, and do you dream of being published? No more time to lose, send us your manuscript from December 27, 2019 …

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THE GENEVA CHALLENGE “The challenges of social inclusion”

The 2020 Advanced Development Objectives (ADG) International Competition for graduate students aims to present innovative and pragmatic solutions to meet the “challenges of social inclusion”. “Leaving no one behind” is the central and transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The inclusion of this principle aims to “ensure that …

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L’Accord de libre-échange d’Europe centrale (ALECE 2006) est un accord de libre-échange régional moderne et complet, conçu comme faisant partie intégrante du programme de préadhésion. Il fournit une base juridique solide pour la formulation et la mise en œuvre de politiques dans des domaines clés liés au commerce et à l’investissement. La …

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