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Appel à candidatures : la Région Normandie offre des stages intensifs d’anglais à ses lycéens

Lycéens de Normandie, à vous de jouer. Cette année encore, la Région propose aux élèves de bénéficier d’un stage intensif en langue anglaise, en juin 2020. Le dispositif Normandie Langue est entièrement gratuit et n’a qu’une vocation : « développer la pratique orale » des lycéens de seconde, appelés à candidater via une plateforme numérique ouverte …

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U.S. Foreign Policy and International Security Post-doctoral Fellowship

U.S. Foreign Policy and International Security Fellows are selected to spend a minimum of ten months and up to one year in-residence at Dartmouth on research and writing about international issues related to one of the Dickey Center’s research areas: environment, health, human development, gender, and security. Scholars from all …

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Sarnoff Fellowship Program – Research Training for Medical Students

The Sarnoff Fellowship Program offers medical students enrolled in accredited U.S. medical schools the opportunity to spend a year conducting intensive work in a biomedical research facility in the United States, other than the medical school in which they are enrolled. Fellows are selected on the basis of a national …

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