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The Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science

The Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science is a unique postdoc program. It awards young researchers around the world with a generous personal research grant, giving them the freedom to work on whatever topic they choose anywhere in the world, for up to five years. This research fellowship is designed …

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Monster in the wardrobe

If a child is afraid of imaginary monsters finding refuge in his wardrobe, then this child must believe that it is possible that these monsters exist and that they can actually get out of the closet and want to hurt him.. Your first impulse to the irrational fears of a …

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China: 8-year-old child teaches computer code on the internet

An eight-year-old Chinese boy launched his online tutorial to learn computer programming for young people. Black-rimmed glasses and red jersey, an eight-year-old Chinese computer connects to his computer for an online computer programming course . Small detail: he is the teacher. Vita, its European name, launched in August its own channel of programming tutorials on …

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