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Kent Business School International Research Scholarship

Kent Business School International Research Scholarships are awarded to students with excellent research potential. This is a three-year PhD studentship, which includes Overseas tuition fees, and a stipend of £15,009 (2019/20 rate) This Scholarship takes the form of a three-year Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) meaning PhD students who intend to …

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Top 10 scholarships in Belgium for international students

A large number of scholarship programs in Belgium for international students are specifically for students from developing countries. The Belgian government, in its efforts for development cooperation, offers scholarships to foreign students wishing to pursue studies in Belgium. Belgian universities ranked among the world’s top 100 universities also offer scholarships to international …

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Awards and scholarships offered by the ULiège heritage Foundations

Specialised scholarships can be granted as part of a 2nd cycle (complementary Masters) and 3rd cycle (Doctorate). It is recommended to define your project quite early, ideally one year in advance. The quality of the project, the motivation of the candidate, and their university career are crucial. Several financial supports are offered …

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