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Fellowship Program of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

The ODI Scholarship Program is now open to applications. The program assigns young, highly motivated ODI fellows as   economists and statisticians to   public sector positions in developing country governments under two-year contracts. ODI fellows are employed as local officials reporting to local directors. Fellows work in institutions ranging from ministries of finance and planning to ministries …

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AIDS: researchers have first achieved HIV elimination

Researchers in the United States have successfully eradicated HIV, the virus that causes AIDS , in some infected mice. Scientists from the University of Nebraska and Temple University of Philadelphia behind this feat revealed their findings in a study published in the journal Nature  . For this study, the researchers combined two advanced technologies. They first …

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Switzerland: A 100-year-old physics mystery solved by a Tunisian

A new scientific feat has just been achieved by Tunisians shining under other skies. Wassim Dhaouadi, a young researcher of Tunisian nationality living in Switzerland, has managed to solve a 100-year-old mystery of physics. The announcement was made by the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne where he is registered Wassim Dhaouadi. …

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