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Le CNRS recrute

Le CNRS recrute sur des contrats à durée déterminée des ingénieures, ingénieurs, techniciennes et techniciens dans toutes les branches d’activité professionnelle, ainsi que des chercheurs et chercheuses en post-doctorat et des doctorants, dans toutes les disciplines scientifiques. CDD Technique/Administratif Offre d’emploi CDD IT : Assistant-e ingenieur-e en biologie animale (H/F) (CAEN …

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WMF Empowerment Through Education Scholarships for Developing Country Students

The Wells Mountain Foundation, through the Empowerment Through Education (ETE) program, provides undergraduate scholarships to developing country nationals to study in their home country or a neighboring country. The Foundation believes in the power and importance of community service; therefore, all scholarship participants are required to volunteer for a minimum of …

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The speed and quality of the development of science capacity in Africa and the rest of the developing world depends not only on infrastructure and the technical training of people, but is intimately linked to the quality of leadership to lead change. It is widely accepted that the future of …

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