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Get The United Nations Public Service Awards for Institutions

The United Nations Public Service Awards is the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service. It rewards the creative achievements and contributions of public service institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide. Through an annual competition, the UN Public Service Awards promotes the …

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Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship

The Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) is a competitive and prestigious scholarship scheme designed to encourage outstanding graduates or final-year students to take their first step towards a leading research career by studying for a PhD at NTU. Who is eligible? There is no restriction as to the nationality of …

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Avec plus de 550 brevets, 60 licences et 425 publications, l’Algérien Karim Zaghib remporte la plus haute distinction scientifique au Canada

Le scientifique algérien basé au Canada Karim Zgheib a reçu le prix Lionel Bollett 2019, la plus haute distinction décernée par le gouvernement de la province de Québec dans le domaine de la recherche et du développement industriels, pour sa contribution exceptionnelle au développement des batteries pendant trois décennies. Selon …

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