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START Programme in Austria

outstanding young researchers of any discipline with two or more years research experience as Postdoc Goals Researchers should be given the long-term and extensive financial security to plan their research and to build up or consolidate their own research groups thereby qualifying themselves for senior research positions (especially as university …

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Speech Therapist Aleradh Center Doha,Qatar

Job Description Speech Therapist We are looking for experienced Speech Therapist to help our patients improve their quality of life. Job Overview: treat speech and language problems to help people communicate effectively. Responsibilities: • Facilitating the treatment of speech and language disorders, such as stammers, stutters, tourettes, mutism and related learning disabilities …

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Nurse PH HR Consultant Doha,Qatar

Job Description Maintaining accurate, complete health care records and reports.   Administering medications to patients and monitoring them for side effects and reactions.   Recording patient vital signs and medical information.   Assessing, implementing, planning, or evaluating patient nursing care plans by working with healthcare team members.   Maintains safe …

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