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General Midwife Sofomation FZ Doha,Qatar

Job Description Basic Requirements :- • Bachelor’s degree in Midwifery or 4-year degree and in Nursing and Midwifery • 3+ years’ experience in Midwifery with independent delivery experiences Job Discription: The midwife will be responsible for the physical, mental, and emotional care of their patients during delivery.   And need to provide …

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START Programme in Austria

outstanding young researchers of any discipline with two or more years research experience as Postdoc Goals Researchers should be given the long-term and extensive financial security to plan their research and to build up or consolidate their own research groups thereby qualifying themselves for senior research positions (especially as university …

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Speech Therapist Aleradh Center Doha,Qatar

Job Description Speech Therapist We are looking for experienced Speech Therapist to help our patients improve their quality of life. Job Overview: treat speech and language problems to help people communicate effectively. Responsibilities: • Facilitating the treatment of speech and language disorders, such as stammers, stutters, tourettes, mutism and related learning disabilities …

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