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Jacobs Foundation Scholarship

New to Saïd Business School, the inaugural Jacobs Foundation scholars start their studies in September 2018. The Jacobs Foundation scholarship was introduced in 2018 and is open to candidates with a strong interest in the field of youth and child development. Jacobs Foundation scholars have an entrepreneurial vision, are dedicated to …

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Clark Global Scholarship Program in USA

The Global Scholars Program builds on Clark University’s long-standing commitment to provide a challenging education with a global focus.  The University also offers other merit scholarships for international students such as the International Traina Scholarship. Host Institution(s): Clark University in Massachusetts, USA Level/Field(s) of study: Eligible Bachelor’s Programme offered at the University …

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Les bourses Chevening sont attribuées aux personnes qui ont une formation académique solide et qui démontrent un potentiel de leadership. La bourse offre un appui financier pour faire un Master dans n’importe quelle université du Royaume-Uni. Elle offre aussi une occasion de devenir membre d’un  réseau mondial influent de 44 000 anciens étudiants.

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