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Science by Women program 5th Edition in Spain (Fully Funded)

Deadline for proposals submission September 30, 2020 Following the success of 1st four editions, the Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA), in line with its mission of contributing to the development of Africa through its women, is launching the 5th Edition of SCIENCE BY WOMEN programme, with the aim to promote …

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European Commission paid traineeships, for 1,300 trainees

Twice a year, the European Commission offers  1,800  paid administrative or translation internships , lasting  5 months . The internships start  on 1 st  March or 1 st  October , allow students to gain practical experience in the development of EU policies in a multicultural environment.  General questions What the work? Internships are offered throughout the European Commission. The nature of the tasks …

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Allocation for Diversity in the Public Service 2019-2020 Île-de-France

Its aim  is to provide financial support to the most deserving and low-income candidates who prepare the public service category A or B competitions, with financial support of 2,000 euros. For the 2019-2020 school year, 266 allocations for diversity will be awarded in Île-de-France: 116 for students in the five integrated …

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