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Global Teacher Prize are now open!

Help us find one exceptional educator who deserves to be recognized around the world. The Global Teacher Prize is a US $1million dollar award, presented annually to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession. The Varkey Foundation established the prize in 2014, to recognise and …

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Incubateur Francophone Maghrébin : appel à candidatures

Tu es étudiant ou jeune diplômé ? Tu as une idée ou un projet pour réinventer la société ? L’Incubateur Francophone Maghrébin est fait pour toi! Nous sommes à la recherche de 30 porteurs de projets d’entreprise. L’incubateur Francophone Maghrébin est mis en œuvre par la direction régionale Maghreb de …

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Fully funded Residences for writers in Switzerland

Residences are available for all types of writers engaged in literary creation. While we give priority to writers and translators, we are also open to any other discipline as long as writing is at the heart of the project. Stays in the Jan Michalski Foundation can be granted for individual projects or …

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