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UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science

UNESCO invites Members States in consultation with their National Commissions, non-governmental organizations in official partnership with UNESCO, various professional, academic and non-governmental organizations active in the field of ethics of science and technology, members of relevant UNESCO’s expert bodies and UNESCO’s partners, to propose candidates for the UNESCO Avicenna Prize …

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Postdoctoral Fellowship study within the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale in USA .

The quality, significance, and focus of the work fellows propose to try to to throughout the residency area unit of predominant importance within the choice method. every fellow can undertake a substantive and original project that relates to the mission of the Institute. this might be original scholarship, associate degree exposition, a opus, or work of artistic writing, etc. school of thought Fellows may match in an exceedingly sort of educational and inventive disciplines, as well as however not restricted to social science, design, arts, composition, artistic writing, ethnomusicology, film …

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